There has been a long standing debate on which
medicine proves to be the best; western medicine or eastern
medicine. A doctor in a white lab coat, with a stethoscope,
and one of those rubber hammers that they use to hit your
knees is what we think of when we hear western medicine. The
best eastern doctors usually come from India and China,
using the best herbs, fruit and plant extracts, and holistic
regimins to treat a number of different ailments, illnesses,
and skin conditions. Acne is by no means an exception.
Though western acne treatments have had a great deal
of success, not everyone goes home happy. What works for one
person many not work for another, some people have even
tried product after product and still not seen any results.
This is where eastern medicine comes in. Many eastern
doctors have come to the US hoping to offer some insight and
some relief to those with existing acne and acne related
scars. One thing that doctors from both sides will tell you
is to make sure to drink plenty of water. Nothing can
benefit human health like water can. Eastern doctors use a
variety of herbs and supplements that can be found in pill,
powder, or liquid form that work quite well to treat acne.
Green tea extracts and other natural antioxidants work
wonders for acne. Also reccommended by eastern doctors is a
proper diet. Avoiding excess alcohol, sugar, fat, dairy, and
oily foods help promote healthier skin.
Western medicine differs greatly from its eastern
counterpart. Mainly due to the fact most western doctors
don't necessarily believe in holistic treatments, stating
that holistic treatments are out dated, and don't really
work. Of course that's what western doctors would say
because they all want to prescribe a pill or something at
ridiculous prices. There are so many different types of acne
treatments in the US it's hard to keep up with them all.
There are creams, peels, treatments, surgeries, and pills,
and those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my
head. Though many of these methods may work for some people,
there are equal amounts that have had serious allergic
reactions, or complications due to toxic ingredients or
surgery. For example those who are suffering from severe
acne, a western doctor may prescribe an oral pill that
suppresses hormone production, and calms inflammation, one
of the main causes of acne. The side effects of these pills
are shocking. Ranging from weight change, depression and
tooth discoloration to muscular pain, skin allergies, and
tumors these pills seem to do more harm than good.
As a vegan, I have always gone for a natural
solution to any problem. It's hard for me to be completely
un-biased, but I feel that the information speaks for
itself. Though western medicine has had great success, and
that there are acne treatments that do provide positive
results for most people, those suffering with no sign of
hope can always look east. At least with eastern medicine
you won't have to worry about cancer causing toxins or
severe side effects. If you feel that eastern medicine isn't
right for you, there are more and more western doctors
looking at ways to treat a number of ailments with holistic
treatments right here at home.
Felixs Owns lives in Califorina where he writes articles and
reviews on living a green liyfestyle. He has helped hundreds
of those in the internet community with everything from
organic acne
treatments and vegan recipies to green holiday gifts and all
natural moisturizers.
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