And the best thing is that it's practically free and you can get significant results in just few days.
The key thing to understand is that acne is not a disease or illness itself, but merely a reflection of the condition your body is in. It's a signal that something is wrong with your body. Thus to cure your acne you have to address its cause.
Detailed explanation of the cause of acne is beyond the scope of this article. But in a nutshell your body is out of balance. Improper diet, pollution, chemicals in food, pharmaceutical drugs, etc have exposed your body to more toxins that it can handle.
Step 1 - detoxify
The first step to correct the situation is to help your body to get rid of the toxins that are causing your acne in the first place.
The good thing is that your body does this automatically - once you step out of the way.
As a double-whammy benefit your body will also clear your acne.
For your body to do its job you have to give it sufficient rest and eliminate all harmful substances from your diet for a period of 3 to 7 days. The most effective ways to do this are fasting or so-called detox-diets.
Step 2 � topical treatment
While detoxing, you can help your body with topical treatments. Your skin is one of the main organs for eliminating toxins from your body. Different topical treatments help to keep the pores in your skin open and toxins to leave your body faster. Topical treatments can also kill the bacteria on your skin that lead to acne.
Try to avoid chemicals that dry your skin and just block the pores even further. Instead, try herbal steam baths or skin brushing. Both are excellent ways to help your skin to expel toxins. Sauna can also help you.
To kill the bacteria try some herbal lotions from your health shop. Topical treatments are only complimentary to detoxing. So don't go overboard here.
Step 3 � towards healthier lifestyle
The last thing you should do is to gradually change your lifestyle towards a healthier one. Detoxing and topical treatments will clear your acne.
The purpose of this last step is to keep acne from coming back. You should gradually work to eliminate unhealthy substances from your life. Some examples of things you should avoid are: animal flesh, dairy products, caffeine, alcohol, tobacco and sugar.
It's important to remember that it takes time to change your lifestyle. So go easy on this one and work to eliminate one substance at a time.
For more information click here
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Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Acne - Old Wives Tales That Work!!
Most people who suffer from acne go out and spend good money on over-the-counter acne treatments. The truth is, a lot of these products are full of chemicals that can actually slow down the healing of acne, and irritate your skin, possibly causing further breakouts.
If there are loads of ingredients listed in your over the counter treatment, it can be hard to know if one of those ingredients is actually stopping you from having success. It can be even harder when you can't pronounce the ingredient, much less know what it is and how it is going to affect your skin. Most mainstream acne treatments are not only much more expensive than common household items, but they may also not work as well either. With that in mind, I will list some basic household items that can work wonders on clearing up your skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar. If you don't mind the possibility that you could smell just like a British Fish & Chip shop, vinegar can be a very effective means of treating acne. You can use any type of vinegar for this treatment. Regardless of which type you use, vinegar can be very helpful with it comes to clearing up acne. It can kill off acne causing bacteria, balance your skin's pH level and absorb extra oil from your skin.
Dilute your vinegar 1 part vinegar to 8 parts water and starting tarting with clean, dry skin, apply the diluted vinegar directly to your skin with a cotton ball, and leave it on. If you want, you can also use a stronger vinegar solution (say, 3 or 4 parts water to 1 part vinegar), and apply it directly to problem areas, making sure you rinse it off after ten minutes.
Lemon or lime juice can be substituted for vinegar. Both of these juices are rich in citric acid, and can exfoliate your skin very well, halting the growth of acne spots, as well as fading previous, inactive acne quicker.
The White of an egg
Egg white, which is rich in protein can be used as a mask to heal and rebuild your skin. It can also help to absorb excess oil from your skin. To start off, crack an egg, removing the yolk so that just the egg white is left behind. Beat the egg white, and apply it directly to your face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then rinse the egg off.
Oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities that are found deep in your skin. Cook some plain oatmeal as if you were going to eat it. Let it cool off, and rub it over your clean skin. Let it sit for a while, like you would a normal face mask, and then rinse off. If you do this regularly, you should soon begin to start noticing results.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil is a commonly used natural antiseptic, which you can pick up at most drugstores or supermarkets. You can apply Tea Tree Oil directly to acne spots to kill bacteria, or, if you dilute it with another oil (such as jojoba), over your entire face. Tea tree gel can be easier to apply than the oil, and many gels are made for applying over large areas of skin, and obviously they don't need to be diluted.
Aloe Vera has worked for a lot of people's acne. It's been used for years for assisting with burns, and another benefit of aloe vera is that it can prevent scaring, fade marks and help heal acne spots.
You now have an idea of some basic household items you can use on your skin that may work better than many Over The Counter acne products, and are much cheaper too.
This list of Old Wives Tales is a great natural alternative for chemical based acne treatment products. You can take this a step farther by attacking your acne from the inside out. It has been shown at times that acne can be affected by the digestive system, so keeping your entire digestive system working as smoothly as possible can help. Here's a basic idea of some natural products you can take that may help.
Cucumber, lemon and carrot juice, brewer's yeast, and active charcoal pills are all capable of improving the digestive system, and since the digestive system is closely related with your skin's health, they could help prevent or reduce acne breakouts.
As with all treatments I must stress that you need to stick to it. Don't just try for a day or so and then give up.
For more information click here
If there are loads of ingredients listed in your over the counter treatment, it can be hard to know if one of those ingredients is actually stopping you from having success. It can be even harder when you can't pronounce the ingredient, much less know what it is and how it is going to affect your skin. Most mainstream acne treatments are not only much more expensive than common household items, but they may also not work as well either. With that in mind, I will list some basic household items that can work wonders on clearing up your skin.
Apple Cider Vinegar. If you don't mind the possibility that you could smell just like a British Fish & Chip shop, vinegar can be a very effective means of treating acne. You can use any type of vinegar for this treatment. Regardless of which type you use, vinegar can be very helpful with it comes to clearing up acne. It can kill off acne causing bacteria, balance your skin's pH level and absorb extra oil from your skin.
Dilute your vinegar 1 part vinegar to 8 parts water and starting tarting with clean, dry skin, apply the diluted vinegar directly to your skin with a cotton ball, and leave it on. If you want, you can also use a stronger vinegar solution (say, 3 or 4 parts water to 1 part vinegar), and apply it directly to problem areas, making sure you rinse it off after ten minutes.
Lemon or lime juice can be substituted for vinegar. Both of these juices are rich in citric acid, and can exfoliate your skin very well, halting the growth of acne spots, as well as fading previous, inactive acne quicker.
The White of an egg
Egg white, which is rich in protein can be used as a mask to heal and rebuild your skin. It can also help to absorb excess oil from your skin. To start off, crack an egg, removing the yolk so that just the egg white is left behind. Beat the egg white, and apply it directly to your face. Let it sit for fifteen minutes, and then rinse the egg off.
Oatmeal can absorb unwanted oil and draw out impurities that are found deep in your skin. Cook some plain oatmeal as if you were going to eat it. Let it cool off, and rub it over your clean skin. Let it sit for a while, like you would a normal face mask, and then rinse off. If you do this regularly, you should soon begin to start noticing results.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree Oil is a commonly used natural antiseptic, which you can pick up at most drugstores or supermarkets. You can apply Tea Tree Oil directly to acne spots to kill bacteria, or, if you dilute it with another oil (such as jojoba), over your entire face. Tea tree gel can be easier to apply than the oil, and many gels are made for applying over large areas of skin, and obviously they don't need to be diluted.
Aloe Vera has worked for a lot of people's acne. It's been used for years for assisting with burns, and another benefit of aloe vera is that it can prevent scaring, fade marks and help heal acne spots.
You now have an idea of some basic household items you can use on your skin that may work better than many Over The Counter acne products, and are much cheaper too.
This list of Old Wives Tales is a great natural alternative for chemical based acne treatment products. You can take this a step farther by attacking your acne from the inside out. It has been shown at times that acne can be affected by the digestive system, so keeping your entire digestive system working as smoothly as possible can help. Here's a basic idea of some natural products you can take that may help.
Cucumber, lemon and carrot juice, brewer's yeast, and active charcoal pills are all capable of improving the digestive system, and since the digestive system is closely related with your skin's health, they could help prevent or reduce acne breakouts.
As with all treatments I must stress that you need to stick to it. Don't just try for a day or so and then give up.
For more information click here
Acne Vulgaris
What is Acne Vulgaris?
Acne vulgaris is a disorder of the sebaceous follicles, which are special pilosebaceous units (relating to the hair follicles and sebaceous glands) located on the face, chest, and back. It is an extremely common skin disorder, which affects nearly all adolescents and adults at least once during life [1, 2]. According to Brown et al (1998), the incidence of acne peaks at age 18; however, a substantial amount of men and women aged 20-40 are also affected by the disorder. Acne is a disease rarely associated with systemic medical problems; however, the importance and morbidity of acne should not be underestimated because its disfiguring can have important negative psychosocial consequences for affected individuals including diminished self-esteem, social embarrassment, social withdrawal, depression and even unemployment [1, 3].
Risk factors/Triggers
1. Food/Diet
Foods such as nuts, cola, milk, cheese, fried foods and iodised salts have been implicated as triggers of acne vulgaris; however, the connections between nutrition and acne has not definitely been proven as they are rarely supported by good analytical, epidemiological or therapeutic studies [4, 5]. On the other hand, recurrent acne as noted by Niemeier et al (2006) may be a cutaneous sign of an underlying eating disorder.
2. Genetics
A genetic background is supported by a case control study by Goulden et al, as noted by Rzany et al (2006). This stated that the risk of adult acne vulgaris in relatives of patients with acne as compared with those of patients without acne is significantly higher [4].
3. Hormones
According to Rzany et al (2006), hormonal influences on acne vulgaris are undisputed as shown by the higher incidence of acne in male adolescents. Premenstrual flare has also been recorded as causing acne [5].
4. Nicotine
Smoking has also been named as a risk factor for acne vulgaris; however, conflicting data exists as to the link between smoking and acne. Some population based studies have found links between smoking and acne whilst some others have not [4].
Contrary to popular misconceptions by young patients and occasionally their parents, acne does not come from bad behaviour nor is it a disease of poor hygiene. It also has nothing to do with lack of cleanliness [2].
Types of acne vulgaris
There are two main types of acne vulgaris, inflammatory and non-inflammatory; these can be manifested in different ways,
1. Comedonal acne, which is a non-inflammatory acne
2. Papules and pustules of inflammatory acne
3. Nodular acne (inflammatory acne)
4. Inflammatory acne with hyperpigmentation (this occurs more commonly in patients with darker skin complexions) [1]
Clinical manifestations
In general, acne is limited to the parts of the body, which have the largest and most abundant sebaceous glands such as the face, neck, chest, upper back and upper arms. Among dermatologists, it is almost universally accepted that the clinical manifestation of acne vulgaris is the result of four essential processes as described below [1, 6],
1. Increased sebum production in the pilosebaceous follicle. Sebum is the lipid-rich secretion product of sebaceous glands, which has a central role in the development of acne and also provides a growth medium for Propionibacterium acnes (P acnes), an anaerobic bacterium which is a normal constituent of the skin flora. Compared with unaffected individuals, people with acne have higher rates of sebum production. Apart from this, the severity of acne is often proportional to the amount of sebum produced [1, 6].
2. Abnormal follicular differentiation, which is the earliest structural change in the pilosebaceous unit in acne vulgaris [1].
3. Colonisation of serum-rich obstructed follicle with Propionibacterium acnes (P acnes). P acnes is an anaerobic bacterium which is a normal constituent of the skin flora and which populates the androgen-stimulated sebaceous follicle [androgen is a steroid hormone such as testosterone or androsterone, that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics]. Individuals with acne have higher counts of P acnes compared with those without acne [1, 6].
4. Inflammation. This is a direct or indirect result of the rapid and excessive increase of P acnes [1].
Non-inflammatory acne lesions include open and closed comedones, which are thickened secretions plugging a duct of the skin, particularly sebaceous glands. Open comedones, also known as blackheads, "appear as flat or slightly raised brown to black plugs that distend the follicular orifices". Closed comedones, also known as whiteheads, "appear as whitish to flesh-coloured papules with an apparently closed overlying surface" [1].
Inflammatory lesions on the other hand include papules, pustules, and nodules; papules and pustules "result from superficial or deep inflammation associated with microscopic rupture of comedones". Nodules are large, deep-seated abscesses, which when palpated may be compressible. In addition to the typical lesions in acne, other features may also be present. These include scarring and hyperpigmentation, which can result in substantial disfigurement [1].
Psychological Aspects
Numerous psychological problems such as diminished self-esteem, social embarrassment, social withdrawal, depression and even unemployment stem from acne. However, differential diagnosis from a psychosomatic point of view indicates two serious psychological problems, which can arise from acne. These are,
1. Psychogenic excoriation, and
2. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
Psychogenic excoriation also referred to as neurotic excoriation, pathological or compulsive skin picking "is characterised by excessive scratching or picking of normal skin or skin with minor irregularities" [5]. According to Niemeier et al (2006) it is estimated to occur in 2% of dermatological patients. Patients with this disorder can also have psychiatric disorders such as mood and anxiety disorders, as well as associated disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder, substance abuse disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, compulsive buying, eating disorder, and borderline personality disorder, to mention a few [5].
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) "is a condition characterised by an extreme level of dissatisfaction or preoccupation with a normal appearance that causes disruption in daily functioning" [3]. Niemeier et al (2006) described it as "a syndrome characterised by distress, secondary to imagined or minor defects in one's appearance." The onset of BDD is usually during adolescence, and it occurs equally in both male and female. Common areas of concern include the skin, hair and nose, with acne being one of the most common concerns with BDD patients [3].
According to the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders (2000), BDD has three diagnostic criteria,
1. A preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance; where a slight physical anomaly is present, the person's concern is markedly excessive,
2. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning,
3. The preoccupation is not caused by another mental disorder (e.g. Anorexia Nervosa)
Characteristic behaviours include skin picking, mirror checking, and camouflaging by wearing a hat or excessive make up. Apart from these, patients often seek reassurance frequently by asking questions such as "Can you see this pimple?" or "Does my skin look okay?" Some patients also have a tendency to doctor shop, which is essentially going from one specialist to another in search of a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, willing to carry out a desired procedure or dispense a certain drug, to improve their perceived defect [3, 5].
Although it is a relatively common disease, BDD is still an under diagnosed psychiatric disorder and is estimated to affect 0.7 to 5% of the general population. Other psychiatric conditions associated with BDD include major depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive disorder. It is also associated with high rates of functional impairment and suicide attempts, high levels of perceived stress, and markedly poor quality of life [3, 5, 8].
Acne Treatment
1. Topical treatment, particularly for individuals with non-inflammatory comedones or mild to moderate inflammatory acne (See types of acne vulgaris). Medications include tretinoin (available as gels, creams, and solutions), adapalene gel, salicylic acid (available as solutions, cleansers, and soaps), isotretinoin gel, azelaic acid cream, benzoyl peroxide (available as gels, lotions, creams, soaps, and washes), to mention a few [1, 2].
2. Oral treatment, particularly for acne that is resistant to topical treatment or which manifests as scarring or nodular lesions. Medications include oral antibiotics (e.g. tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, erythromycin, and co-trimoxazole), oral isotretinoin, and hormonal agents (e.g. oral contraception, oral corticosteroid, cyproterone acetate, or spironolactone) [1, 2].
3. Physical or surgical methods of treatment, which are sometimes useful as adjuvant to medical therapy. Methods include comedo extraction, intralesional injections of corticosteroids, dermabrasion, chemical peeling, and collagen injections, to mention a few [1, 9].
4. Sun exposure, reported by up to 70% of patients to have a beneficial effect on acne [10].
5. Light therapy, which is becoming more popular due to the growing demand for a convenient, low risk and effective therapy, as many patients fail to respond adequately to treatment or develop side effects, from the use of various oral and topical treatments available for the treatment of acne [11]. Methods include the use of visible light (e.g. blue light, blue/red light combinations, yellow light, and green light), laser treatment and monopolar radiofrequency [11]. Many of these light therapy treatments can be used at home.
Recommended Products for Acne
1. Brown SK, Shalita AR. Acne vulgaris. Lancet 1998; 351:1871-1876.
2. Webster GF. Acne vulgaris. Br Med J 2002; 325: 475-479.
3. Bowe WP et al. Body dysmorphic disorder symptoms among patients with acne vulgaris. J Am Acad Dermatol 2007; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2007.03.030.
4. Rzany B, Kahl C. Epidemiology of acne vulgaris. JDDG 2006; DOI: 10.1111/j.1610-0387.2006.05876.x
5. Niemeier V, Kupfer J, Gieler U. Acne vulgaris-Psychosomatic aspects. JDDG 2006; DOI: 10.1111/j.1610-0387.2006.06110.x
6. Gollnick H. Current perspectives on the treatment of acne vulgaris and implications for future directions. Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2001; 15 (Suppl. 3):1-4.
7. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th Ed. Accessed via: BehaveNet® Clinical CapsuleTM; Accessed on: 28th June 2007.
8. Phillips KA et al. A retrospective follow-up study of body dysmorphic disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2005; 46: 315-321.
9. Taub AF. Procedural treatments of acne vulgaris. Dermatol Surg 2007; 33: 1-22.
10. Cunliffe WJ, Goulden V. Phototherapy and acne vulgaris.Br J Dermatol 2000; 142 (5): 855-856.
11. Dierickx CC. Lasers, Light and Radiofrequency for treatment of acne. Med Laser Appl 2004; 19: 196-204.
This article is only for informative purposes. It is not intended to be a medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for all your medical concerns. Kindly follow any information given in this article only after consulting your doctor or qualified medical professional. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from any information obtained from this article.
For more information click here
Acne vulgaris is a disorder of the sebaceous follicles, which are special pilosebaceous units (relating to the hair follicles and sebaceous glands) located on the face, chest, and back. It is an extremely common skin disorder, which affects nearly all adolescents and adults at least once during life [1, 2]. According to Brown et al (1998), the incidence of acne peaks at age 18; however, a substantial amount of men and women aged 20-40 are also affected by the disorder. Acne is a disease rarely associated with systemic medical problems; however, the importance and morbidity of acne should not be underestimated because its disfiguring can have important negative psychosocial consequences for affected individuals including diminished self-esteem, social embarrassment, social withdrawal, depression and even unemployment [1, 3].
Risk factors/Triggers
1. Food/Diet
Foods such as nuts, cola, milk, cheese, fried foods and iodised salts have been implicated as triggers of acne vulgaris; however, the connections between nutrition and acne has not definitely been proven as they are rarely supported by good analytical, epidemiological or therapeutic studies [4, 5]. On the other hand, recurrent acne as noted by Niemeier et al (2006) may be a cutaneous sign of an underlying eating disorder.
2. Genetics
A genetic background is supported by a case control study by Goulden et al, as noted by Rzany et al (2006). This stated that the risk of adult acne vulgaris in relatives of patients with acne as compared with those of patients without acne is significantly higher [4].
3. Hormones
According to Rzany et al (2006), hormonal influences on acne vulgaris are undisputed as shown by the higher incidence of acne in male adolescents. Premenstrual flare has also been recorded as causing acne [5].
4. Nicotine
Smoking has also been named as a risk factor for acne vulgaris; however, conflicting data exists as to the link between smoking and acne. Some population based studies have found links between smoking and acne whilst some others have not [4].
Contrary to popular misconceptions by young patients and occasionally their parents, acne does not come from bad behaviour nor is it a disease of poor hygiene. It also has nothing to do with lack of cleanliness [2].
Types of acne vulgaris
There are two main types of acne vulgaris, inflammatory and non-inflammatory; these can be manifested in different ways,
1. Comedonal acne, which is a non-inflammatory acne
2. Papules and pustules of inflammatory acne
3. Nodular acne (inflammatory acne)
4. Inflammatory acne with hyperpigmentation (this occurs more commonly in patients with darker skin complexions) [1]
Clinical manifestations
In general, acne is limited to the parts of the body, which have the largest and most abundant sebaceous glands such as the face, neck, chest, upper back and upper arms. Among dermatologists, it is almost universally accepted that the clinical manifestation of acne vulgaris is the result of four essential processes as described below [1, 6],
1. Increased sebum production in the pilosebaceous follicle. Sebum is the lipid-rich secretion product of sebaceous glands, which has a central role in the development of acne and also provides a growth medium for Propionibacterium acnes (P acnes), an anaerobic bacterium which is a normal constituent of the skin flora. Compared with unaffected individuals, people with acne have higher rates of sebum production. Apart from this, the severity of acne is often proportional to the amount of sebum produced [1, 6].
2. Abnormal follicular differentiation, which is the earliest structural change in the pilosebaceous unit in acne vulgaris [1].
3. Colonisation of serum-rich obstructed follicle with Propionibacterium acnes (P acnes). P acnes is an anaerobic bacterium which is a normal constituent of the skin flora and which populates the androgen-stimulated sebaceous follicle [androgen is a steroid hormone such as testosterone or androsterone, that controls the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics]. Individuals with acne have higher counts of P acnes compared with those without acne [1, 6].
4. Inflammation. This is a direct or indirect result of the rapid and excessive increase of P acnes [1].
Non-inflammatory acne lesions include open and closed comedones, which are thickened secretions plugging a duct of the skin, particularly sebaceous glands. Open comedones, also known as blackheads, "appear as flat or slightly raised brown to black plugs that distend the follicular orifices". Closed comedones, also known as whiteheads, "appear as whitish to flesh-coloured papules with an apparently closed overlying surface" [1].
Inflammatory lesions on the other hand include papules, pustules, and nodules; papules and pustules "result from superficial or deep inflammation associated with microscopic rupture of comedones". Nodules are large, deep-seated abscesses, which when palpated may be compressible. In addition to the typical lesions in acne, other features may also be present. These include scarring and hyperpigmentation, which can result in substantial disfigurement [1].
Psychological Aspects
Numerous psychological problems such as diminished self-esteem, social embarrassment, social withdrawal, depression and even unemployment stem from acne. However, differential diagnosis from a psychosomatic point of view indicates two serious psychological problems, which can arise from acne. These are,
1. Psychogenic excoriation, and
2. Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD)
Psychogenic excoriation also referred to as neurotic excoriation, pathological or compulsive skin picking "is characterised by excessive scratching or picking of normal skin or skin with minor irregularities" [5]. According to Niemeier et al (2006) it is estimated to occur in 2% of dermatological patients. Patients with this disorder can also have psychiatric disorders such as mood and anxiety disorders, as well as associated disorders such as obsessive compulsive disorder, substance abuse disorder, obsessive compulsive personality disorder, compulsive buying, eating disorder, and borderline personality disorder, to mention a few [5].
Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) "is a condition characterised by an extreme level of dissatisfaction or preoccupation with a normal appearance that causes disruption in daily functioning" [3]. Niemeier et al (2006) described it as "a syndrome characterised by distress, secondary to imagined or minor defects in one's appearance." The onset of BDD is usually during adolescence, and it occurs equally in both male and female. Common areas of concern include the skin, hair and nose, with acne being one of the most common concerns with BDD patients [3].
According to the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders (2000), BDD has three diagnostic criteria,
1. A preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance; where a slight physical anomaly is present, the person's concern is markedly excessive,
2. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning,
3. The preoccupation is not caused by another mental disorder (e.g. Anorexia Nervosa)
Characteristic behaviours include skin picking, mirror checking, and camouflaging by wearing a hat or excessive make up. Apart from these, patients often seek reassurance frequently by asking questions such as "Can you see this pimple?" or "Does my skin look okay?" Some patients also have a tendency to doctor shop, which is essentially going from one specialist to another in search of a dermatologist or plastic surgeon, willing to carry out a desired procedure or dispense a certain drug, to improve their perceived defect [3, 5].
Although it is a relatively common disease, BDD is still an under diagnosed psychiatric disorder and is estimated to affect 0.7 to 5% of the general population. Other psychiatric conditions associated with BDD include major depression, anxiety, and obsessive compulsive disorder. It is also associated with high rates of functional impairment and suicide attempts, high levels of perceived stress, and markedly poor quality of life [3, 5, 8].
Acne Treatment
1. Topical treatment, particularly for individuals with non-inflammatory comedones or mild to moderate inflammatory acne (See types of acne vulgaris). Medications include tretinoin (available as gels, creams, and solutions), adapalene gel, salicylic acid (available as solutions, cleansers, and soaps), isotretinoin gel, azelaic acid cream, benzoyl peroxide (available as gels, lotions, creams, soaps, and washes), to mention a few [1, 2].
2. Oral treatment, particularly for acne that is resistant to topical treatment or which manifests as scarring or nodular lesions. Medications include oral antibiotics (e.g. tetracycline, doxycycline, minocycline, erythromycin, and co-trimoxazole), oral isotretinoin, and hormonal agents (e.g. oral contraception, oral corticosteroid, cyproterone acetate, or spironolactone) [1, 2].
3. Physical or surgical methods of treatment, which are sometimes useful as adjuvant to medical therapy. Methods include comedo extraction, intralesional injections of corticosteroids, dermabrasion, chemical peeling, and collagen injections, to mention a few [1, 9].
4. Sun exposure, reported by up to 70% of patients to have a beneficial effect on acne [10].
5. Light therapy, which is becoming more popular due to the growing demand for a convenient, low risk and effective therapy, as many patients fail to respond adequately to treatment or develop side effects, from the use of various oral and topical treatments available for the treatment of acne [11]. Methods include the use of visible light (e.g. blue light, blue/red light combinations, yellow light, and green light), laser treatment and monopolar radiofrequency [11]. Many of these light therapy treatments can be used at home.
Recommended Products for Acne
1. Brown SK, Shalita AR. Acne vulgaris. Lancet 1998; 351:1871-1876.
2. Webster GF. Acne vulgaris. Br Med J 2002; 325: 475-479.
3. Bowe WP et al. Body dysmorphic disorder symptoms among patients with acne vulgaris. J Am Acad Dermatol 2007; DOI: 10.1016/j.jaad.2007.03.030.
4. Rzany B, Kahl C. Epidemiology of acne vulgaris. JDDG 2006; DOI: 10.1111/j.1610-0387.2006.05876.x
5. Niemeier V, Kupfer J, Gieler U. Acne vulgaris-Psychosomatic aspects. JDDG 2006; DOI: 10.1111/j.1610-0387.2006.06110.x
6. Gollnick H. Current perspectives on the treatment of acne vulgaris and implications for future directions. Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2001; 15 (Suppl. 3):1-4.
7. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of Mental Disorders. 4th Ed. Accessed via: BehaveNet® Clinical CapsuleTM; Accessed on: 28th June 2007.
8. Phillips KA et al. A retrospective follow-up study of body dysmorphic disorder. Comprehensive Psychiatry 2005; 46: 315-321.
9. Taub AF. Procedural treatments of acne vulgaris. Dermatol Surg 2007; 33: 1-22.
10. Cunliffe WJ, Goulden V. Phototherapy and acne vulgaris.Br J Dermatol 2000; 142 (5): 855-856.
11. Dierickx CC. Lasers, Light and Radiofrequency for treatment of acne. Med Laser Appl 2004; 19: 196-204.
This article is only for informative purposes. It is not intended to be a medical advice and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for all your medical concerns. Kindly follow any information given in this article only after consulting your doctor or qualified medical professional. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from any information obtained from this article.
For more information click here
Enlux Hybrid Led Acne Lamp
There is a unique kind of acne treatment which utilises a "acne lamp" that shines blue-red lights on your skin. It is called the enlux hybrid led acne lamp. Have you all heard of it before?
Here are some common questions and answers for it.
1. What is the difference between the single head, two head and three head?
The enlux hybrid led acne lamp has three different types of configurations depending on how far your acne is spread out. The single head unit is usually used for people that have acne only on one area. The two and three head are perfect for getting the sides of your face and front of your face at the same time. Each lamp has the same power per centimeter, but cover different wideness of areas. Having acne all over your face does not mean you absolutely need a three head lamp. However, most people prefer not to do three sessions of 15 minutes in front of the lamp.
2. What is the difference between the "red" light and "blue" light?
According to research, blue light between 405-420nm kills the acne bacteria while red light in between 655nm-665nm promotes the growth of new cells. This is designed to synergistically destroy acne and repair cells which were damaged by the inflammation and bacteria. Some people look for all red enlux hybrid led acne lamp units to treat acne rosacea. Some others have used it to reduce facial wrinkles. Some customers even claim to have used red light to treat cuts and wounds. So, the red light is actually more sought after because of its cell renewal properties.
3. How far away from the Enlux Hybrid Led Acne Lamp should I sit?
Based on research, sitting approximately 6 inches from the lamp is recommended.
4. How long and often do I use the enlux hybrid led acne lamp?
Every person's skin sensitivity to light is different. Do not expect acne to clear up overnight. Based on research, 15 minutes each day is recommended. (30 minutes at most) The 15-30 minute session is per area of skin exposed to the lamp. If you have more than one acne area and are using the 1 headed lamp, it is okay to expose each area for 15-30 minutes per day.
A difference in your skin should be observed within 8-12 weeks of consecutive daily use. It is not possible to guarantee success in every case due to some variability in bacteria types. After about 2 to 3 months, you may be able to reduce the daily treatment, but it is recommended you continue using the enlux hybrid led acne lamp, to keep new acne eruptions/breakouts under control.
5. Can I use it more than Once a Day?
Some people may use it for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night. Therefore, hitting the max of 30 minutes.
6. Can it only be used on the face?
The enlux hybrid led acne lamp can be used on any part of the body provided the area can be positioned approximately 6 inches from the lamp.
7. Will I get a sunburn or even skin cancer?
The peak wavelengths of light used in lamps are outside those that may cause damage to the skin. Individuals with hypersensitivity to any amount of light should not use this product.
Personally, I thought that it was just another gimmick product which is full of hype. But surprisingly, a lot of people gave it good reviews!
Contrary to the enlux hybrid led acne lamp that I have been mentioning throughout this post, I would recommend another brand that is cheaper.
It is a little pricey at almost $200, but considering that it is just a one time payment (which lasts forever, unlike creams or medicine) and the company even offers a satisfaction guarantee, I think it is a not bad product.
You can check it out here
, look at the reviews of people who previously purchased it on the page as well.
Here are some common questions and answers for it.
1. What is the difference between the single head, two head and three head?
The enlux hybrid led acne lamp has three different types of configurations depending on how far your acne is spread out. The single head unit is usually used for people that have acne only on one area. The two and three head are perfect for getting the sides of your face and front of your face at the same time. Each lamp has the same power per centimeter, but cover different wideness of areas. Having acne all over your face does not mean you absolutely need a three head lamp. However, most people prefer not to do three sessions of 15 minutes in front of the lamp.
2. What is the difference between the "red" light and "blue" light?
According to research, blue light between 405-420nm kills the acne bacteria while red light in between 655nm-665nm promotes the growth of new cells. This is designed to synergistically destroy acne and repair cells which were damaged by the inflammation and bacteria. Some people look for all red enlux hybrid led acne lamp units to treat acne rosacea. Some others have used it to reduce facial wrinkles. Some customers even claim to have used red light to treat cuts and wounds. So, the red light is actually more sought after because of its cell renewal properties.
3. How far away from the Enlux Hybrid Led Acne Lamp should I sit?
Based on research, sitting approximately 6 inches from the lamp is recommended.
4. How long and often do I use the enlux hybrid led acne lamp?
Every person's skin sensitivity to light is different. Do not expect acne to clear up overnight. Based on research, 15 minutes each day is recommended. (30 minutes at most) The 15-30 minute session is per area of skin exposed to the lamp. If you have more than one acne area and are using the 1 headed lamp, it is okay to expose each area for 15-30 minutes per day.
A difference in your skin should be observed within 8-12 weeks of consecutive daily use. It is not possible to guarantee success in every case due to some variability in bacteria types. After about 2 to 3 months, you may be able to reduce the daily treatment, but it is recommended you continue using the enlux hybrid led acne lamp, to keep new acne eruptions/breakouts under control.
5. Can I use it more than Once a Day?
Some people may use it for 15 minutes in the morning and 15 minutes at night. Therefore, hitting the max of 30 minutes.
6. Can it only be used on the face?
The enlux hybrid led acne lamp can be used on any part of the body provided the area can be positioned approximately 6 inches from the lamp.
7. Will I get a sunburn or even skin cancer?
The peak wavelengths of light used in lamps are outside those that may cause damage to the skin. Individuals with hypersensitivity to any amount of light should not use this product.
Personally, I thought that it was just another gimmick product which is full of hype. But surprisingly, a lot of people gave it good reviews!
Contrary to the enlux hybrid led acne lamp that I have been mentioning throughout this post, I would recommend another brand that is cheaper.
It is a little pricey at almost $200, but considering that it is just a one time payment (which lasts forever, unlike creams or medicine) and the company even offers a satisfaction guarantee, I think it is a not bad product.
You can check it out here
Does Exposure to the Sun Cure Acne?
Many acne sufferers probably have noticed that after a long time in the sun, their acne diminishes. That's great news, however are there any side effects to long term exposure in the sun? Normally, mild exposure to the sun is good for the treatment of acne, but over exposure definitely has its side effects, even causing unwanted acne breakouts. Sunlight contains a few wavelengths of light that is proven to treat acne by killing off the bacteria, but it also contains UV, which damages the skin. The damage to the skin is what in turn causes the acne breakouts.
Also, be aware that the sun darkens the skin, appearing to dry out the skin and make acne blemishes much less visible. So, you essentially are given the placebo effect, thinking that sunlight is treating your acne. Based on scientific evidence, the long-term damage to the skin caused by the sun far outweighs its initial treatment of acne. You'll notice premature aging, wrinkles, and a possibility of cancer.
The best way to fight off the sun is to wear sunscreen. By protecting the skin from UV, you can continue getting the benefit of the 415nm wavelength from sunlight, which is the wavelength that is proven to fight acne bacteria. Also, certain wavelengths of sunlight has even been shown to increase collagen production, so you may get the benefits of that as well.
Even with these benefits, most people agree that it's best to just stay out of the sunlight. Don't choose sunlight as your source to treat your acne, but rather use a decent acne treatment that is proven to work specifically for your skin. Be alert as to what can damage your skin, and avoid skin irritants that may potentially lead to an acne breakout.
Looking for an acne treatments? Get acne treatment products reviews, acne treatment advice, and more.
Also, be aware that the sun darkens the skin, appearing to dry out the skin and make acne blemishes much less visible. So, you essentially are given the placebo effect, thinking that sunlight is treating your acne. Based on scientific evidence, the long-term damage to the skin caused by the sun far outweighs its initial treatment of acne. You'll notice premature aging, wrinkles, and a possibility of cancer.
The best way to fight off the sun is to wear sunscreen. By protecting the skin from UV, you can continue getting the benefit of the 415nm wavelength from sunlight, which is the wavelength that is proven to fight acne bacteria. Also, certain wavelengths of sunlight has even been shown to increase collagen production, so you may get the benefits of that as well.
Even with these benefits, most people agree that it's best to just stay out of the sunlight. Don't choose sunlight as your source to treat your acne, but rather use a decent acne treatment that is proven to work specifically for your skin. Be alert as to what can damage your skin, and avoid skin irritants that may potentially lead to an acne breakout.
Looking for an acne treatments? Get acne treatment products reviews, acne treatment advice, and more.
Latest Review For Mario Badescu Acne Drying Lotion
Drying lotions are important in stopping the development of pimples at an early stage. The bacteria in pimples love oil so depriving them of oil helps to stop the pimple developing.
Drying up excessive oils in the skin can be achieved with the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion which is a best seller in their skincare product range.
The ingredients are: Calamine, Camphor, Colloidal Sulfur, Salicylic Acid, Isopropyl Alcohol, Deionised Water, Glycerine, Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, Talc.
Note: A few people are allergic to sulfur so this would not be recommended for them.
Half of the bottle contains a thick pink solution while the other half is a clear, dense solution. The bottom half has the skin soothing ingredients such as Calamine.
Salicylic Acid, an acne fighting ingredient is in the top half.
The Drying Lotion is best used just before bedtime. Because only a little is needed this means that it really is quite inexpensive to use as the bottle will last a long time.
The bottle should never be shaken as this helps in keeping the calamine coat on the applicator bud.
A cotton bud is best for applying the lotion by dipping it in to just touch the pink solution.
The calamine in the lotion quickly soothes a alight tingling sensation on application. The colloidal sulfur in the lotion can cause a very slight sulfur smell which soon disappears.
Any solution remaining is easily washed off in the morning and the pimple will usually have dried up and disappeared. If the pimple is still showing repeat the next night.
The drying lotion can be used under makeup during the day if desired.
The drying lotion is a very effective acne control product. Redness, irritation, and swelling from pimples are all reduced when the lotion is used. Cystic pimples will go away quicker than usual.
This is not a cure all for acne but an important control option..
As preventative means for acne Mario Badescu Drying Lotion excels.
Healthy eating should also be part of an acnne control program.
For anyone with mild acne this product is highly recommended. For more severe acne a better choice is their Buffering Lotion, which is especially designed to treat large, deep cystic acne.
Mario Badescu has a large range of skin care products and claims many celebrities such as Kate Moss, Katy Couric, Charlize Theron, Liv Tyler Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sharon Stone and Martha Stewart use their products.
They also claim they do not test their products on animals.
For reviews of more Mario Badescu skin care products visit
For more information click here
Drying up excessive oils in the skin can be achieved with the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion which is a best seller in their skincare product range.
The ingredients are: Calamine, Camphor, Colloidal Sulfur, Salicylic Acid, Isopropyl Alcohol, Deionised Water, Glycerine, Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, Talc.
Note: A few people are allergic to sulfur so this would not be recommended for them.
Half of the bottle contains a thick pink solution while the other half is a clear, dense solution. The bottom half has the skin soothing ingredients such as Calamine.
Salicylic Acid, an acne fighting ingredient is in the top half.
The Drying Lotion is best used just before bedtime. Because only a little is needed this means that it really is quite inexpensive to use as the bottle will last a long time.
The bottle should never be shaken as this helps in keeping the calamine coat on the applicator bud.
A cotton bud is best for applying the lotion by dipping it in to just touch the pink solution.
The calamine in the lotion quickly soothes a alight tingling sensation on application. The colloidal sulfur in the lotion can cause a very slight sulfur smell which soon disappears.
Any solution remaining is easily washed off in the morning and the pimple will usually have dried up and disappeared. If the pimple is still showing repeat the next night.
The drying lotion can be used under makeup during the day if desired.
The drying lotion is a very effective acne control product. Redness, irritation, and swelling from pimples are all reduced when the lotion is used. Cystic pimples will go away quicker than usual.
This is not a cure all for acne but an important control option..
As preventative means for acne Mario Badescu Drying Lotion excels.
Healthy eating should also be part of an acnne control program.
For anyone with mild acne this product is highly recommended. For more severe acne a better choice is their Buffering Lotion, which is especially designed to treat large, deep cystic acne.
Mario Badescu has a large range of skin care products and claims many celebrities such as Kate Moss, Katy Couric, Charlize Theron, Liv Tyler Jennifer Aniston, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sharon Stone and Martha Stewart use their products.
They also claim they do not test their products on animals.
For reviews of more Mario Badescu skin care products visit
For more information click here
Acne Scar Treatment - Best Way To Get Rid Of Your Acne Scars Fast
Having acne scars is even worse than having acne itself. Most of these scars may take a very long time to heal and may sometimes leave a permanent mark on your skin. Exfoliation is considered to be one of the best ways to clear acne scars. As an acne scar treatment, exfoliation peels dead skin of the body that also marks the existence of past pimples or acne. If you want to look great in your new dress or simply feel good about yourself, finding the right acne scar treatment for you will definitely be a wonderful experience.
Acne scars are those dark spots or shallow holes on your skin left by the presence of a pimple. Some people do not really mind having acne scars and would rather use makeup in order to hide the blemishes on their skin. For others, however, they insist to do something in order to make their skin look younger and more flawless.
As stated above, one of the most popular methods used in this category is exfoliation. There are specific products that you can use that will be able to help your skin during exfoliation. While some men and women would rather go to their dermatologist in order to have this process done, you can easily find creams or ointments in the market that will be able to aid in the removal of your acne scars.
It is important to take note of your skin's sensitivity and composition prior to choosing the product you use. If you have sensitive skin, this may cause irritation which can result to further damage on your skin. Most products that aid in acne scar removal are very specific in their guides for application. Make sure that you read the manuals carefully before applying the cream or ointment onto your skin. There may be required number of minutes that you should follow during the period of soaking your skin onto the treatment.
If you prefer not to do the process alone, you may also seek the help of your dermatologists. Most skin clinics provide specific processes and treatments in order to fully erase the traces of acne scars on your skin. These processes may take several sessions, but are often safer when compared to applying unknown products on your body. You can consult with your dermatologist on what best system to use in order to fully eliminate the presence of acne scars on your skin.
Are you sick and tired of having acne? Are you tired of looking in the mirror only to see pimples staring back at you? If yes, there is a safe, natural and effective way how to get rid of acne in 14 Days Or Less!
This holistic treatment will attack the root cause of the acne so that you can get rid of your pimples, whiteheads and blackheads for good. natural acne cure
Acne scars are those dark spots or shallow holes on your skin left by the presence of a pimple. Some people do not really mind having acne scars and would rather use makeup in order to hide the blemishes on their skin. For others, however, they insist to do something in order to make their skin look younger and more flawless.
As stated above, one of the most popular methods used in this category is exfoliation. There are specific products that you can use that will be able to help your skin during exfoliation. While some men and women would rather go to their dermatologist in order to have this process done, you can easily find creams or ointments in the market that will be able to aid in the removal of your acne scars.
It is important to take note of your skin's sensitivity and composition prior to choosing the product you use. If you have sensitive skin, this may cause irritation which can result to further damage on your skin. Most products that aid in acne scar removal are very specific in their guides for application. Make sure that you read the manuals carefully before applying the cream or ointment onto your skin. There may be required number of minutes that you should follow during the period of soaking your skin onto the treatment.
If you prefer not to do the process alone, you may also seek the help of your dermatologists. Most skin clinics provide specific processes and treatments in order to fully erase the traces of acne scars on your skin. These processes may take several sessions, but are often safer when compared to applying unknown products on your body. You can consult with your dermatologist on what best system to use in order to fully eliminate the presence of acne scars on your skin.
Are you sick and tired of having acne? Are you tired of looking in the mirror only to see pimples staring back at you? If yes, there is a safe, natural and effective way how to get rid of acne in 14 Days Or Less!
This holistic treatment will attack the root cause of the acne so that you can get rid of your pimples, whiteheads and blackheads for good. natural acne cure
Top Los Angeles Dermatologist Reviews Effective New Treatments for Removing Acne Scars
Although acne is traditionally thought of as a disorder of the teenage years, long after those years have passed and the acne condition has faded, many adults are left with facial scarring from acne they had years earlier. Thanks to modern medical advancements, there are very effective treatments available today to treat acne scarring.
Acne is a disease that often leaves scars behind. There are several different kinds of acne scars. Pitting scars are commonly known as "ice pick scars." The more crater-like scars are known as "depressed scars." In addition, changes in the color of the skin can also occur at the site of previous acne lesions. The skin can end up darker than normal, lighter than normal, or redder than normal.
For a single ice pick scar, the most effective treatment is simple excision. However, when the scarring is more widespread, other methods must be used to treat the scars. Dermabrasion was one of the first methods developed for treating acne scars, and it is still used today. With dermabrasion, a rotating wire brush or a spinning diamond burr is used to smooth down the surface of the skin. As the skin heals, a new layer of skin replaces the abraded skin, resulting in an improved appearance in the treated area. However, dermabrasion can require 10-20 days to heal, and may result in redness that can persist for several months. For these reasons, other methods were developed that have quicker recoveries and fewer side effects.
We are now using the Fraxel laser for acne scarring. We believe that the Fraxel laser is the best modality available today for treating more generalized acne scarring. With the Fraxel, the facial skin is resurfaced over a series of 4 or 5 treatments. Because the Fraxel laser preserves normal healthy skin between the areas of skin that the laser has treated, healing and recovery occur more quickly after each laser treatment.
We have been extremely impressed by the improvement in acne scarring after Fraxel laser treatment. The Fraxel laser is a "home run" when it comes to the treatment of acne scarring.
Our patients who have acne scarring are invited to call our office and make an appointment to have their scarring evaluated. In addition to scar excision, dermabrasion, and Fraxel laser resurfacing, other treatments for acne scarring are also available. Thanks to the development of a number of different techniques, acne scars can be treated with a variety of safe and effective procedures that improve the appearance of a patient's skin. With all of the modalities available today for treating acne scarring, no one should ever have to live with their acne scars.
About The Author
Dr. Mary Lee Amerian (> is consistently voted one of the top dermatologists and skin care specialists in Los Angeles and is a frequent contributor to many health and wellness publications across the U.S. Dr. Amerian has also been voted by her peers as one of the "Best Doctors in America" consecutively since 1996. She currently teaches at UCLA where she holds the title of Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine.
Dr. Amerian has been featured on the cover of the Health section of the Los Angeles Times for her work on the VelaSmooth device for the treatment of cellulite. Dr. Amerian recently completed filming her second season of shows for the television show, "Ten Years Younger," which can be seen on The Learning Channel. Dr. Amerian uses all of the modern techniques of non-surgical facial rejuvenation on this show.
Acne is a disease that often leaves scars behind. There are several different kinds of acne scars. Pitting scars are commonly known as "ice pick scars." The more crater-like scars are known as "depressed scars." In addition, changes in the color of the skin can also occur at the site of previous acne lesions. The skin can end up darker than normal, lighter than normal, or redder than normal.
For a single ice pick scar, the most effective treatment is simple excision. However, when the scarring is more widespread, other methods must be used to treat the scars. Dermabrasion was one of the first methods developed for treating acne scars, and it is still used today. With dermabrasion, a rotating wire brush or a spinning diamond burr is used to smooth down the surface of the skin. As the skin heals, a new layer of skin replaces the abraded skin, resulting in an improved appearance in the treated area. However, dermabrasion can require 10-20 days to heal, and may result in redness that can persist for several months. For these reasons, other methods were developed that have quicker recoveries and fewer side effects.
We are now using the Fraxel laser for acne scarring. We believe that the Fraxel laser is the best modality available today for treating more generalized acne scarring. With the Fraxel, the facial skin is resurfaced over a series of 4 or 5 treatments. Because the Fraxel laser preserves normal healthy skin between the areas of skin that the laser has treated, healing and recovery occur more quickly after each laser treatment.
We have been extremely impressed by the improvement in acne scarring after Fraxel laser treatment. The Fraxel laser is a "home run" when it comes to the treatment of acne scarring.
Our patients who have acne scarring are invited to call our office and make an appointment to have their scarring evaluated. In addition to scar excision, dermabrasion, and Fraxel laser resurfacing, other treatments for acne scarring are also available. Thanks to the development of a number of different techniques, acne scars can be treated with a variety of safe and effective procedures that improve the appearance of a patient's skin. With all of the modalities available today for treating acne scarring, no one should ever have to live with their acne scars.
About The Author
Dr. Mary Lee Amerian (> is consistently voted one of the top dermatologists and skin care specialists in Los Angeles and is a frequent contributor to many health and wellness publications across the U.S. Dr. Amerian has also been voted by her peers as one of the "Best Doctors in America" consecutively since 1996. She currently teaches at UCLA where she holds the title of Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine.
Dr. Amerian has been featured on the cover of the Health section of the Los Angeles Times for her work on the VelaSmooth device for the treatment of cellulite. Dr. Amerian recently completed filming her second season of shows for the television show, "Ten Years Younger," which can be seen on The Learning Channel. Dr. Amerian uses all of the modern techniques of non-surgical facial rejuvenation on this show.
Derma Roller Acne & Stretch Treatment
Derma-Roller Acne & Scar Treatment Review
" Does Derma-Rollers Really Work?"
" Is Derma Roller A Scam "
The Scientia Derma Roller has become very popular these days due to the heavy marketing by What exactly is Derma Rollers?. Basically, Derma-Roller is an incredible device that is designed to remove stretch marks, wrinkles, scars and uneven, pitted skin and even hair loss.
The main reason we have stretch marks, wrinkles, scars & etc are due to lack of collagen and derma-Roller is designed to naturally increase the level of collagen & elastic in our skin.
Derma-Rollers has the ability to replace the collagen in our skin and as a result, Derma-Rollers is able to rejuvenate and repair your skin by removing wrinkles, scars, pitted skn and acne.
In addition, The Scientia Derma Roller can stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in our skin and Derma Rollers has received rave reviews from users all around the world since its inception many years ago.
Derma-Roller is suitable for both men and women and it helps to...
* Remove stretch marks & prevent stretch mark formation
* Remove scrasm & acne
* Romove wrinkle and prevent wrinkle formation
* Anti-Aging
* Reduce cellulite and prevent cellulite formation
* Prevent & restore hair loss
* Hyper Pigmentation Treatment
How Does Derma-Roller Work?
Honestly, Derma-Roller is a very simple hand held roller which contains 192 surgical steel micro-needles that is designed to help topical skin products penetrate the outer layer of the skin (the stratum corneum) to increase the effectiveness of the creams and lotion absorption.
Derma-Rollers come with vitamin rich treatment cream to make sure your skin gets the nutrition it needs to rejuvenate and repair your skin.
Skin Micro-Needling
Derma-Roller uses the concept of skin micro-needling (otherwise known as CIT or collagen induction therapy). Skin Micro Needling is an increasingly common cosmetic procedure used to treat scars, wrinkles, acne and a host of skin problems.
The difference is that Scientia Derma Roller is an FDA approved application which is designed in a way that it is very simple and easy to use yourself at home.
In fact, Skin Micro-Needling is akin to Laser Treatment, Chemical Peels and Dermabrasion, but it is considerably less invasive than chemical peels and laser treatment (without any of the skin trauma) and most importantly, it is much cheaper than laser treatment and chemical peels.

DermaRoller has caught the attention of Hollywood stars and some of stars of Hollywood are having Derma Roller treatments to rejuvenate and smooth their skin. Perhaps the most famous celebrities reported include Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
The cost of using Derma-Roller is only $0.50 a day if you use it over a period of 6 months. This is indeed a drop in the bucket if you compare the cost of the cometics product you buy, which easily runs into hundred of dollar per month.
The most important things is that Derma-Roller actually work. According to clinical studies carried out on Derma-Roller, a single use of Derma-Roller can increase the production of collagen in the skin of up to 1000%, and this amazing production of collagen has helped making scars or wrinkled skin smoother, firmer and more
Click here to visit Derma-Rollers Now.
" Does Derma-Rollers Really Work?"
" Is Derma Roller A Scam "
The Scientia Derma Roller has become very popular these days due to the heavy marketing by What exactly is Derma Rollers?. Basically, Derma-Roller is an incredible device that is designed to remove stretch marks, wrinkles, scars and uneven, pitted skin and even hair loss.
The main reason we have stretch marks, wrinkles, scars & etc are due to lack of collagen and derma-Roller is designed to naturally increase the level of collagen & elastic in our skin.
Derma-Rollers has the ability to replace the collagen in our skin and as a result, Derma-Rollers is able to rejuvenate and repair your skin by removing wrinkles, scars, pitted skn and acne.
In addition, The Scientia Derma Roller can stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in our skin and Derma Rollers has received rave reviews from users all around the world since its inception many years ago.
Derma-Roller is suitable for both men and women and it helps to...
* Remove stretch marks & prevent stretch mark formation
* Remove scrasm & acne
* Romove wrinkle and prevent wrinkle formation
* Anti-Aging
* Reduce cellulite and prevent cellulite formation
* Prevent & restore hair loss
* Hyper Pigmentation Treatment
How Does Derma-Roller Work?
Honestly, Derma-Roller is a very simple hand held roller which contains 192 surgical steel micro-needles that is designed to help topical skin products penetrate the outer layer of the skin (the stratum corneum) to increase the effectiveness of the creams and lotion absorption.
Derma-Rollers come with vitamin rich treatment cream to make sure your skin gets the nutrition it needs to rejuvenate and repair your skin.
Skin Micro-Needling
Derma-Roller uses the concept of skin micro-needling (otherwise known as CIT or collagen induction therapy). Skin Micro Needling is an increasingly common cosmetic procedure used to treat scars, wrinkles, acne and a host of skin problems.
The difference is that Scientia Derma Roller is an FDA approved application which is designed in a way that it is very simple and easy to use yourself at home.
In fact, Skin Micro-Needling is akin to Laser Treatment, Chemical Peels and Dermabrasion, but it is considerably less invasive than chemical peels and laser treatment (without any of the skin trauma) and most importantly, it is much cheaper than laser treatment and chemical peels.

DermaRoller has caught the attention of Hollywood stars and some of stars of Hollywood are having Derma Roller treatments to rejuvenate and smooth their skin. Perhaps the most famous celebrities reported include Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
The cost of using Derma-Roller is only $0.50 a day if you use it over a period of 6 months. This is indeed a drop in the bucket if you compare the cost of the cometics product you buy, which easily runs into hundred of dollar per month.
The most important things is that Derma-Roller actually work. According to clinical studies carried out on Derma-Roller, a single use of Derma-Roller can increase the production of collagen in the skin of up to 1000%, and this amazing production of collagen has helped making scars or wrinkled skin smoother, firmer and more
Click here to visit Derma-Rollers Now.
Acne Scar Home Treatment - Can it Clear Acne Scars Completely?
Acne scar is very common in teenagers as well as adults. Acne when it heals will almost always leave its marks behind. With hospital administered treatments for acne scars being very expensive, there are several acne scar home treatment methods.
Some of the popular home treatment methods for acne scar removal are as follows:
• Application of Vitamin E oil present in the capsule
• Apply a mixture of honey and milk and wash it off
• Use tea tree oil to wash your face
• Use Aloe Vera pulp on the face
• Wash the face with apple cider vinegar
• Applying olive oil or castor oil on the face after using steam or wet towel to open up the pores
The above treatments can be used to treat acne scar at home. However, they take a lot of time to show any visible results and at the same time work only when the scars are mild.
If the scars are deep the best treatment would be to go for treatments like chemical peel treatment or laser resurfacing. Chemical peel treatment that can be administered at home for acne scar home treatment is becoming very popular these days. Although, it is important that you choose the right chemical peel to get maximum benefits.
Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical peel solution on the face. The outer layers of skin which has had acne scars, dirt, dead skin cells and debris will get peeled off in the process and the new inner skin which is clear gets exposed.
Generally peels are based on acids like lactic acid, phenolic acid, acetic acid etc. Such peels are not recommended for home use as it carries a lot of risks with it. It is recommended to go for peels that are based on a natural formulation which is approved by FDA for home use.
Visit Acne Scars Home Treatment to find a review of the only Home Chemical Peel that is approved by FDA for safe home use.
P.S: Such Treatments have been exclusive to select Celebrities for the last 70 years!
Click Here to Read Review.
Christie Simon writes for
Some of the popular home treatment methods for acne scar removal are as follows:
• Application of Vitamin E oil present in the capsule
• Apply a mixture of honey and milk and wash it off
• Use tea tree oil to wash your face
• Use Aloe Vera pulp on the face
• Wash the face with apple cider vinegar
• Applying olive oil or castor oil on the face after using steam or wet towel to open up the pores
The above treatments can be used to treat acne scar at home. However, they take a lot of time to show any visible results and at the same time work only when the scars are mild.
If the scars are deep the best treatment would be to go for treatments like chemical peel treatment or laser resurfacing. Chemical peel treatment that can be administered at home for acne scar home treatment is becoming very popular these days. Although, it is important that you choose the right chemical peel to get maximum benefits.
Chemical peels involve the application of a chemical peel solution on the face. The outer layers of skin which has had acne scars, dirt, dead skin cells and debris will get peeled off in the process and the new inner skin which is clear gets exposed.
Generally peels are based on acids like lactic acid, phenolic acid, acetic acid etc. Such peels are not recommended for home use as it carries a lot of risks with it. It is recommended to go for peels that are based on a natural formulation which is approved by FDA for home use.
Visit Acne Scars Home Treatment to find a review of the only Home Chemical Peel that is approved by FDA for safe home use.
P.S: Such Treatments have been exclusive to select Celebrities for the last 70 years!
Click Here to Read Review.
Christie Simon writes for
Interesting Facts About Argan Oil
If you have dry or brittle hair, you have probably tried out, or thinking of trying, a number of products that promise to moisturize and revitalize your hair. And as you have probably found out, or will find out, most of the products do not deliver on this promise.
However, before you completely give up on your quest for healthy hair, you should try argan oil hair products.
What is Argan Oil?
This organic hair oil originated from the southern morocco region. It is derived from the crushed fruits of the Argan tree. It is a hair treatment product that is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as the omega 9 which is helpful in improving the health of your hair and its strength.
Below is a look at some of the characteristics of this hair treatment product that makes it a must have hair product.
It Is Non-Greasy And Non-Oily
Argan hair oil is non-greasy and non-oily and great in repairing damaged and broken hair. Even in its non-oily and non-greasy form, it will still lock in moisture and improve the shine and luster of your hair.
It Naturally Hydrates Your Hair
Argan hair oil has hydration properties, similar to those found in Jojoba oil. It will naturally hydrate your hair and prevent it from getting frizzy. It makes it easily manageable. It improves the follicle elasticity of your hair by penetrating the hair shaft and increasing nourishment.
It Helps To Detangle Your Hair
The natural antioxidants that are abundantly found in Argan hair treatment oil are effective in fighting free radicals that damage the hair and hinder growth. Applying the oil to wet hair after shampooing will help to repair the cellular membrane and improve the strength of your hair. The vitamin E that is naturally contained in the oil helps to renew and revive damaged hair that could have been destroyed by excessive heat, oxidization or over-styling and processing.
It Nourishes And Replenishes Brittle Hair
The essential fatty acids that are abundant in Argan oil will smoothen and coat the follicle shafts, making the brittleness of your hair to fade away. It has also been used to extend the life of colour treated hair.
You can find your perfect Argan hair oil by visiting Eden Allure Argan oil based natural skin care. They have all the Argan based hair treatment products that you need to have your hair back in style.
You can find your perfect Argan Hair Oil by visiting Eden Allure Argan oil based natural skin care. They have all the Argan based hair treatment products that you need to have your hair back in style.
However, before you completely give up on your quest for healthy hair, you should try argan oil hair products.
What is Argan Oil?
This organic hair oil originated from the southern morocco region. It is derived from the crushed fruits of the Argan tree. It is a hair treatment product that is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as the omega 9 which is helpful in improving the health of your hair and its strength.
Below is a look at some of the characteristics of this hair treatment product that makes it a must have hair product.
It Is Non-Greasy And Non-Oily
Argan hair oil is non-greasy and non-oily and great in repairing damaged and broken hair. Even in its non-oily and non-greasy form, it will still lock in moisture and improve the shine and luster of your hair.
It Naturally Hydrates Your Hair
Argan hair oil has hydration properties, similar to those found in Jojoba oil. It will naturally hydrate your hair and prevent it from getting frizzy. It makes it easily manageable. It improves the follicle elasticity of your hair by penetrating the hair shaft and increasing nourishment.
It Helps To Detangle Your Hair
The natural antioxidants that are abundantly found in Argan hair treatment oil are effective in fighting free radicals that damage the hair and hinder growth. Applying the oil to wet hair after shampooing will help to repair the cellular membrane and improve the strength of your hair. The vitamin E that is naturally contained in the oil helps to renew and revive damaged hair that could have been destroyed by excessive heat, oxidization or over-styling and processing.
It Nourishes And Replenishes Brittle Hair
The essential fatty acids that are abundant in Argan oil will smoothen and coat the follicle shafts, making the brittleness of your hair to fade away. It has also been used to extend the life of colour treated hair.
You can find your perfect Argan hair oil by visiting Eden Allure Argan oil based natural skin care. They have all the Argan based hair treatment products that you need to have your hair back in style.
You can find your perfect Argan Hair Oil by visiting Eden Allure Argan oil based natural skin care. They have all the Argan based hair treatment products that you need to have your hair back in style.
Interesting Facts About Argan Oil
If you have dry or brittle hair, you have probably tried out, or thinking of trying, a number of products that promise to moisturize and revitalize your hair. And as you have probably found out, or will find out, most of the products do not deliver on this promise.
However, before you completely give up on your quest for healthy hair, you should try argan oil hair products.
What is Argan Oil?
This organic hair oil originated from the southern morocco region. It is derived from the crushed fruits of the Argan tree. It is a hair treatment product that is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as the omega 9 which is helpful in improving the health of your hair and its strength.
Below is a look at some of the characteristics of this hair treatment product that makes it a must have hair product.
It Is Non-Greasy And Non-Oily
Argan hair oil is non-greasy and non-oily and great in repairing damaged and broken hair. Even in its non-oily and non-greasy form, it will still lock in moisture and improve the shine and luster of your hair.
It Naturally Hydrates Your Hair
Argan hair oil has hydration properties, similar to those found in Jojoba oil. It will naturally hydrate your hair and prevent it from getting frizzy. It makes it easily manageable. It improves the follicle elasticity of your hair by penetrating the hair shaft and increasing nourishment.
It Helps To Detangle Your Hair
The natural antioxidants that are abundantly found in Argan hair treatment oil are effective in fighting free radicals that damage the hair and hinder growth. Applying the oil to wet hair after shampooing will help to repair the cellular membrane and improve the strength of your hair. The vitamin E that is naturally contained in the oil helps to renew and revive damaged hair that could have been destroyed by excessive heat, oxidization or over-styling and processing.
It Nourishes And Replenishes Brittle Hair
The essential fatty acids that are abundant in Argan oil will smoothen and coat the follicle shafts, making the brittleness of your hair to fade away. It has also been used to extend the life of colour treated hair.
You can find your perfect Argan hair oil by visiting Eden Allure Argan oil based natural skin care. They have all the Argan based hair treatment products that you need to have your hair back in style.
You can find your perfect Argan Hair Oil by visiting Eden Allure Argan oil based natural skin care. They have all the Argan based hair treatment products that you need to have your hair back in style.
However, before you completely give up on your quest for healthy hair, you should try argan oil hair products.
What is Argan Oil?
This organic hair oil originated from the southern morocco region. It is derived from the crushed fruits of the Argan tree. It is a hair treatment product that is rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as the omega 9 which is helpful in improving the health of your hair and its strength.
Below is a look at some of the characteristics of this hair treatment product that makes it a must have hair product.
It Is Non-Greasy And Non-Oily
Argan hair oil is non-greasy and non-oily and great in repairing damaged and broken hair. Even in its non-oily and non-greasy form, it will still lock in moisture and improve the shine and luster of your hair.
It Naturally Hydrates Your Hair
Argan hair oil has hydration properties, similar to those found in Jojoba oil. It will naturally hydrate your hair and prevent it from getting frizzy. It makes it easily manageable. It improves the follicle elasticity of your hair by penetrating the hair shaft and increasing nourishment.
It Helps To Detangle Your Hair
The natural antioxidants that are abundantly found in Argan hair treatment oil are effective in fighting free radicals that damage the hair and hinder growth. Applying the oil to wet hair after shampooing will help to repair the cellular membrane and improve the strength of your hair. The vitamin E that is naturally contained in the oil helps to renew and revive damaged hair that could have been destroyed by excessive heat, oxidization or over-styling and processing.
It Nourishes And Replenishes Brittle Hair
The essential fatty acids that are abundant in Argan oil will smoothen and coat the follicle shafts, making the brittleness of your hair to fade away. It has also been used to extend the life of colour treated hair.
You can find your perfect Argan hair oil by visiting Eden Allure Argan oil based natural skin care. They have all the Argan based hair treatment products that you need to have your hair back in style.
You can find your perfect Argan Hair Oil by visiting Eden Allure Argan oil based natural skin care. They have all the Argan based hair treatment products that you need to have your hair back in style.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Does Ginkgo Biloba Treat Tinnitus Adult Symptoms?
Ears ringing occurs when there is a selected nerve harm or blood vessel disorder that has taken spot and this will case you to really feel as if hissing, ringing, or humming seem within the ear or head.Tetracycline Tinnitus There are numerous views on the application of ginkgo for tinnitis, none conclusive although. Through the 80's & 90's a lot of researches have been performed but hampered by traditional techniques no effect gave significantly end result. A current highly structured analyze noted no advantage. We would call for far more well planned analyze to arrive to a last summary.I employed this manual and cured my Tinnitus for good.Ginkgo Biloba has a complex pharmacological profile. The prime components are bilobalides & ginkgolides, jointly terpenoids and form flavonoids variety. Some the steps that we get from Ginkgo Biloba are metabolic, radical-scavenging, anti-ischemic, anti-hypoxic and anti-edema steps.Tetracycline Tinnitus Also it ups the troubled micro circulatory blood flow up offering impetus to blood fluidity. When existing it tinnitis the significance of the actions is not identified completely however. The major cause at the rear of ears ringing could be since there may a drop in supply of blood to inner ear location. Thus if we had been to place creativeness to use the fore told pharmacological chain of action, Ginkgo Biloba might lead to clinical efficacy for this intent.For study, a 10 member French ENT specialist team tested 103 ringing in the ears clients. Individuals individuals who received underneath gone surgical treatment or obtained infection or even endured sickness of ear were excluded. People patients that had been picked were definitely granted for the next 3 months a Ginkgo Biloba extract of 4 ml every day.Tetracycline Tinnitus Therapeutic achievement was standardized rigidly of ears ringing signs. In the end outcomes should that more quickly recuperation of signs to party skilled higher making use of Ginkgo Biloba.Morgenstern and Bierman printed a analyze that had 99 individuals suffering persistent tinnitis. In the initial stage the total individuals were treated for the subsequent 2 weeks by giving 3x1 placebo tablets each evening. Thereafter for 12 weeks by random assortment 1 set was taken beneath placebo and the other to consider active dietary supplements of 3x40 mg Ginkgo Biloba extract.The eudiometry showed volume of ringing in the ears in badly pretentious ear was the most essential summary. When a comparative sheet was created the benefits created apparent that the size of appear was far a smaller amount in the party that was actively therapy as people below placebo.However the dosages and techniques utilized had been comparable the scientific studies yielded varied final results.Tetracycline Tinnitus Conclusions had been used from sufferers for their alternative of cure or severity of tinnitus, the quantity of tinnitus was done by means of audiometer and evaluation by means of a specialist.4 different Ginkgo Boiloba extracts were definitely utilized for use, like products, injections or drops and every morning dosage dissimilar in each trial. As per scientific studies the benchmark was set for inclusion but it was built positive that all the trails obtained clients had at some stage in time documented to have persistent or continual ringing in the ears. In the procedure of trials the treatment time varied.Tetracycline Tinnitus The conclusion outcome had no consequences from the variations that had been there in dosages. Ginkgo Biloba extract has experienced a positive influence on Ears ringing if not a full claming and curing effect. Go to my weblog today to understand far more about ears ringing and how to remedy it for good.
Reduce Pimple Redness - 7 Ways to Get Rid of Red Pimples Fast!
If you are experiencing pimple redness and would like to learn how to reduce the redness of pimples fast, then read this collection of favorite home remedies and tips:
1. Avoid the urge to pick, pop or squeeze a pimple. This could cause the spread of bacteria and you could end up with a permanent scar.
2. To reduce the redness of a pimple, apply ice to the area every half hour. You should hold the ice on the affected area for about 2 minutes. The ice will reduce the swelling and can help with any pain you might be experiencing. Now use a makeup concealer with a tint of green to remove redness and hide the pimple.
3. Apply a mixture of crushed aspirin and water to the affected area.
4. Apply a drop or two of Visine eye drops to the pimple.
5. Take some ibuprofen and swab the pimple with alcohol. It takes a couple of hours for the ibuprofen to kick it, but it relieves the pain and shrinks the swelling.
6. If you're in need of a quick fix, applying a bit of toothpaste to the affected area right before bed can help soothe pain and reduce redness.
7. Pressing and holding a wet tea bag or a cotton ball with a dab of lemon juice against the blemish for five minutes can reduce swelling and redness.
Remember, the best way to control pimples is through prevention. It is important to cleanse your skin 2 - 3 times per day to remove dirt, oil, makeup and dead skin cells. A moisturizer should also be used, if you are using any acne products like benzoyle peroxide to maintain the skin's moisture.
Get rid of acne now with acne skin care products featured on where
you will find acne fighting resources and information,
natural ways to cure acne and the best acne treatments and remedies to eliminate pimples and zits.
1. Avoid the urge to pick, pop or squeeze a pimple. This could cause the spread of bacteria and you could end up with a permanent scar.
2. To reduce the redness of a pimple, apply ice to the area every half hour. You should hold the ice on the affected area for about 2 minutes. The ice will reduce the swelling and can help with any pain you might be experiencing. Now use a makeup concealer with a tint of green to remove redness and hide the pimple.
3. Apply a mixture of crushed aspirin and water to the affected area.
4. Apply a drop or two of Visine eye drops to the pimple.
5. Take some ibuprofen and swab the pimple with alcohol. It takes a couple of hours for the ibuprofen to kick it, but it relieves the pain and shrinks the swelling.
6. If you're in need of a quick fix, applying a bit of toothpaste to the affected area right before bed can help soothe pain and reduce redness.
7. Pressing and holding a wet tea bag or a cotton ball with a dab of lemon juice against the blemish for five minutes can reduce swelling and redness.
Remember, the best way to control pimples is through prevention. It is important to cleanse your skin 2 - 3 times per day to remove dirt, oil, makeup and dead skin cells. A moisturizer should also be used, if you are using any acne products like benzoyle peroxide to maintain the skin's moisture.
Get rid of acne now with acne skin care products featured on where
you will find acne fighting resources and information,
natural ways to cure acne and the best acne treatments and remedies to eliminate pimples and zits.
Aqua Elements - Hydrating Mineral Makeup
Mineral makeup is the latest fad these days, and despite it's overwhelming popularity, I've never been too energized about this form of makeup. Don't get me wrong, I've tried mineral makeup but my results were different than the infomercial testimonialsPersonally mineral makeup such as Sheer Cover left my skin feeling dry and chalky. I also broke out using the makeup....even though they said that it was good for your skin. Finally, I found that the the price of mineral makeup was to expensive. I don't know about you, but I can't spend a lot of money on makeup.As I said, I usually don't get too excited when it comes to mineral makeup. Until Now.Aqua elements is a revolutionary mineral makeup line that is infused with water. Aqua Elements is the only mineral makeup line that leaves my skin looking fantastic. Aqua Element's unique formula is intended to moisturize the skin, giving your face a natural, beautiful, hydrated glow. Instead of a chalky white finish, Aqua Elements will give your complexion a hydrated natural glow. That's not all. Not only does Aqua Elements offer you with a beautiful color palette, but the makeup itself is so easy to use and is made of the top quality minerals and gemstones that is tested to be excellent for your skin and feels good to wear. When you wear Aqua elements, the result is a beautiful glowing complexion that looks natural, not a dull and chalky complexion. Also, because of the unique hydrating minerals, your skin won't break out like mine did. This amazing makeup line simply gives you with fantastic and natural cover No matter what! What's really cool is that this amazing makeup line is it's quality and value. With other brands, you could easily spend up to $50 dollars for a good foundation alone. You can try out the entire Aqua Elements mineral makeup kit for less than $40.Aqua Elements is available in 4 colors: pink, olive, yellow, and brown. The makeup kit includes 2 concealers. The blemish concealer is made to hide acne, age spots or scars. The shear concealer is made to brighten your skin.When you order, you will also recieve an instructional brochure full of beauty secrets super models like Lauren Hutton use to look young and beautifulIf you want a 'no makeup' makeup look, that gives your face with a youthful glow, is simple to use and is affordable, then don't wait. Order the entire Aqua Elements mineral makeup kit today. If you would like more info about this Aqua Elements mineral makeup by Lauren Hutton, go to Mineral Makeup Guide for more details.Aqua Elements Mineral Cosmetics
Discolored Patches On Face - Why Do They Form?
Discolored patches of color on the face that cover the upper lip, cheeks or forehead can make you look bad. What are they and how do they form? Let us find out more about these colored patches or melasma as it is called. This is a problem both for men and women, and not only for women, as it is wrongly believed. Let us find out more so you can stop them.
Skin- Why Do Colored Patches Form?
The color of our skin is because of melanin that is produced by cells called-melanocytes. These melanocytes sometimes get hyper active and produce much more melanin than needed. This activity can be triggered by some phototoxic allergies, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy etc. If you use a product that is photo toxic there are very good possibilities that you will develop melasma. Photo toxic means that the product is safe for use if no sun is present, but will produce allergy as soon as sunrays strike it. Hair dyes are a good example of this. In women during pregnancy and while taking birth control pills, hormones activate the melanocytes in the skin and produce more of melanin-the skin color. You will therefore get the colored patches on the facial skin.
Skin And Sun protection-
Protect your skin from sun as much as possible. The sun is activating factor for melanin. If you protect your skin from sun, you will save lot of damage to skin including keeping these colored patches away.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have a blemish free and young looking skin , please visit the sun damage section of - . If you love solving quizzes on personality, relationships and career, you can try hundreds of them at Fun Quiz Cards. For sending free animated flash ecards and greeting cards on topics such as holidays, birthday, love, friendship, family, expressions, celebrations, etc. please visit Free eCards website for a very large collection of free ecards.
Skin- Why Do Colored Patches Form?
The color of our skin is because of melanin that is produced by cells called-melanocytes. These melanocytes sometimes get hyper active and produce much more melanin than needed. This activity can be triggered by some phototoxic allergies, hormonal imbalance, pregnancy etc. If you use a product that is photo toxic there are very good possibilities that you will develop melasma. Photo toxic means that the product is safe for use if no sun is present, but will produce allergy as soon as sunrays strike it. Hair dyes are a good example of this. In women during pregnancy and while taking birth control pills, hormones activate the melanocytes in the skin and produce more of melanin-the skin color. You will therefore get the colored patches on the facial skin.
Skin And Sun protection-
Protect your skin from sun as much as possible. The sun is activating factor for melanin. If you protect your skin from sun, you will save lot of damage to skin including keeping these colored patches away.
This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.
C.D.Mohatta writes articles on skin problems, skin treatments and skin care. For more information about how to have a blemish free and young looking skin , please visit the sun damage section of - . If you love solving quizzes on personality, relationships and career, you can try hundreds of them at Fun Quiz Cards. For sending free animated flash ecards and greeting cards on topics such as holidays, birthday, love, friendship, family, expressions, celebrations, etc. please visit Free eCards website for a very large collection of free ecards.
Most Effective Non-Conventional Acne Cure
Acne is a frequent skin dilemma affecting individuals everywhere. Is acne an infection you struggle with from time to time or constantly? You do not need to believe it a predicament or as a condition which you just need to endure as part of your way of life. The fantastic news is a non-artificial plus permanent treatment for acne does exist.
A blemish occurs after your pores become blocked via the production of excessive levels of sebum by your oil glands. These ailments may be embarrassing and could cause you to lose self-respect and confidence. For these reasons it tends to be a fantastic choice to research acne cure options.
Numerous individuals resort to the assistance of traditional medicines plus procedures in order to get rid of or stop outbreaks. While these meds may perhaps work in regards to the short-term you may perhaps suffer dangerous side effects. Also, you will definitely be expending a great amount of cash on behalf of these solutions.
It has to be mentioned there comprise natural and easy approaches in regards to treat your condition. These non-artificial remedies tend to be a good deal safer and cheaper then western medicine remedies.
There include a couple of matters to keep in mind when you may be searching for a non-traditional acne remedy. To begin with, your disease probably will not cure in one night. Do by no means accept as true those "overnight" miracles that you observe advertised. You must have endurance on behalf of waiting for your breakouts to heal. Furthermore, perseverance will be required to be able to stick to a schedule which will furnish successful long-term results.
Another key issue to remember is that not every processes will actually work for your infection. Though your best friend has luck with one procedure does in no way mean that you can obtain the same outcomes. Each and every one of us has a specific skin kind and our systems may possibly react differently in regards to the many approaches. Consequently when one system may not be supplying you the effects which you had expected, then attempt an alternate.
To treat spots permanently by using non-conventional programs you may need to make certain way of life adjustments. These changes on behalf of your day by day way of life will not only furnish you with great skin but also you will be doing so much benefit on behalf of your complete body.
The most important beauty advice and treatment for acne at any time can be to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water every day. Hydrating your body can help get rid of toxins inside your body.
Consuming nutritional foods including fruits and vegetables will not just keep you healthy but in addition could produce great skin. Attempt to eat products full of fiber plus products which have antioxidants. Plus, you should keep away from hydrogenated oils, white sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Get a great night's sleep. Whenever sleeping your system can revitalize and repair itself. Strive for eight hours of sleep nightly.
Coping with your stress will be an additional acne remedy. Stress might be managed by means of meditation and working out. Make it a daily practice to add these stress relievers into your daily life.
Attempt non-conventional treatment for acne ways and recognize the physician in you. Continue a healthful way of life and have the benefit of healthy skin forever.
A blemish occurs after your pores become blocked via the production of excessive levels of sebum by your oil glands. These ailments may be embarrassing and could cause you to lose self-respect and confidence. For these reasons it tends to be a fantastic choice to research acne cure options.
Numerous individuals resort to the assistance of traditional medicines plus procedures in order to get rid of or stop outbreaks. While these meds may perhaps work in regards to the short-term you may perhaps suffer dangerous side effects. Also, you will definitely be expending a great amount of cash on behalf of these solutions.
It has to be mentioned there comprise natural and easy approaches in regards to treat your condition. These non-artificial remedies tend to be a good deal safer and cheaper then western medicine remedies.
There include a couple of matters to keep in mind when you may be searching for a non-traditional acne remedy. To begin with, your disease probably will not cure in one night. Do by no means accept as true those "overnight" miracles that you observe advertised. You must have endurance on behalf of waiting for your breakouts to heal. Furthermore, perseverance will be required to be able to stick to a schedule which will furnish successful long-term results.
Another key issue to remember is that not every processes will actually work for your infection. Though your best friend has luck with one procedure does in no way mean that you can obtain the same outcomes. Each and every one of us has a specific skin kind and our systems may possibly react differently in regards to the many approaches. Consequently when one system may not be supplying you the effects which you had expected, then attempt an alternate.
To treat spots permanently by using non-conventional programs you may need to make certain way of life adjustments. These changes on behalf of your day by day way of life will not only furnish you with great skin but also you will be doing so much benefit on behalf of your complete body.
The most important beauty advice and treatment for acne at any time can be to drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water every day. Hydrating your body can help get rid of toxins inside your body.
Consuming nutritional foods including fruits and vegetables will not just keep you healthy but in addition could produce great skin. Attempt to eat products full of fiber plus products which have antioxidants. Plus, you should keep away from hydrogenated oils, white sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Get a great night's sleep. Whenever sleeping your system can revitalize and repair itself. Strive for eight hours of sleep nightly.
Coping with your stress will be an additional acne remedy. Stress might be managed by means of meditation and working out. Make it a daily practice to add these stress relievers into your daily life.
Attempt non-conventional treatment for acne ways and recognize the physician in you. Continue a healthful way of life and have the benefit of healthy skin forever.
preventing body odor, causes of body odor, effective treatment of body odor
Most people sweat when they exercise or exert themselves, are in a hot environment, or are nervous, anxious, or under stress. This type of sweating is both natural and vigorous.
Sweating is usually only a minor irritation. The odor is probably more troublesome.
For normal sweating and body odor, however, lifestyle and home treatments can effectively manage your symptoms. In some cases, a prescription antiperspirant or deodorant may be needed.
Body odor can kill your confidence and can be disastrous for your social life. Body odor is caused by the interaction of bacteria with the sweat from the apocrine glands in your hair follicles. These sweat from these glands contains fats which are broken down by the bacteria, sometimes resulting in body odor. There are a lot of variables that influence the severity of body odor including, but not limited to, diet, personal hygeine, the fabrication of your clothing, some types of sickness and the tolerance of others
Healthy people sweat, but when, where and how much varies widely. Factors that cause most people to sweat include:
• Exercise, especially strenuous exercise
• Hot weather
• Nervousness, anxiety or stress
Contact your medical provider if you experience any of the following:
• You suddenly begin to sweat much more or less than usual.
• Sweating disrupts your daily routine.
• You experience night sweats for no apparent reason.
The cause of sweating and body odor stems from your body's temperature regulation system, specifically your sweat glands.
Your skin has two types of sweat glands: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. Eccrine glands occur over most of your body and open directly onto the surface of the skin.
cause of body odor...
• Kidney disease
• Liver disease
• Fungal infections
• Refined sugar feeds bacteria and fungus on the skin
For excessive underarm odor, try using a mild solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) that is cheap and can be picked up at the pharmacy. Put a teaspoonful in a glass of water and wash the underarm. If that doesn't work, increase the amount of peroxide.
Since toxic overload may be one of the causes, try taking steam baths or saunas frequently as part of an overall detoxification program.
Wellness program
Lifestyle changes
There are certain lifestyle changes to make if you have a constant problem with body odor. Occasional problems can be treated if you know the cause. We suggest a program of daily bathing, changes in diet, and changes in clothing.
Bathing Bathe daily to remove bacteria from your skin, especially the armpits and groin area where the bacteria is most prevalent. Scrub the armpits with a soapy washcloth as that will work better to remove the bacteria than just soap in your hands. Deodorant soap is preferable as it helps fight bacteria more than regular soaps. If you have a serious odor problem, soak for fifteen minutes or longer in a tub of water with three cups of tomato juice added. Don't forget, tomato juice works on you and your pets if you have been "skunked"!
Clothing is an area many people overlook. Loosely fitting clothes allow the body to inhalation better than tight clothes. The perspiration escapes and doesn't become a breeding ground for bacteria. The type of fabric is also very important. Synthetic fabrics for shoes and clothes don't allow the body to breathe, so use all natural fabrics. Clean your dress often.
Dietary changes are also very important in eliminating various sources of odor. Certain food such as meat, onions, garlic, exotic spices, and drinks such as coffee and alcohol can lead to body odor. Try eliminating these from your diet for a week or two and see if this makes a difference. Although you can usually smell your own B.O. if it is from your armpits many people don't realize they have general body odor because they have become accustomed to it. Have someone you can confide in do a "smell test" - before and after you start eliminating certain foods. With the purpose of may be the only way you will find out.
read more on Home Remedies for Bruises
and also on Home Remedies for Burning Tongue read more
Home Remedies for Burns
Sweating is usually only a minor irritation. The odor is probably more troublesome.
For normal sweating and body odor, however, lifestyle and home treatments can effectively manage your symptoms. In some cases, a prescription antiperspirant or deodorant may be needed.
Body odor can kill your confidence and can be disastrous for your social life. Body odor is caused by the interaction of bacteria with the sweat from the apocrine glands in your hair follicles. These sweat from these glands contains fats which are broken down by the bacteria, sometimes resulting in body odor. There are a lot of variables that influence the severity of body odor including, but not limited to, diet, personal hygeine, the fabrication of your clothing, some types of sickness and the tolerance of others
Healthy people sweat, but when, where and how much varies widely. Factors that cause most people to sweat include:
• Exercise, especially strenuous exercise
• Hot weather
• Nervousness, anxiety or stress
Contact your medical provider if you experience any of the following:
• You suddenly begin to sweat much more or less than usual.
• Sweating disrupts your daily routine.
• You experience night sweats for no apparent reason.
The cause of sweating and body odor stems from your body's temperature regulation system, specifically your sweat glands.
Your skin has two types of sweat glands: eccrine glands and apocrine glands. Eccrine glands occur over most of your body and open directly onto the surface of the skin.
cause of body odor...
• Kidney disease
• Liver disease
• Fungal infections
• Refined sugar feeds bacteria and fungus on the skin
For excessive underarm odor, try using a mild solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%) that is cheap and can be picked up at the pharmacy. Put a teaspoonful in a glass of water and wash the underarm. If that doesn't work, increase the amount of peroxide.
Since toxic overload may be one of the causes, try taking steam baths or saunas frequently as part of an overall detoxification program.
Wellness program
Lifestyle changes
There are certain lifestyle changes to make if you have a constant problem with body odor. Occasional problems can be treated if you know the cause. We suggest a program of daily bathing, changes in diet, and changes in clothing.
Bathing Bathe daily to remove bacteria from your skin, especially the armpits and groin area where the bacteria is most prevalent. Scrub the armpits with a soapy washcloth as that will work better to remove the bacteria than just soap in your hands. Deodorant soap is preferable as it helps fight bacteria more than regular soaps. If you have a serious odor problem, soak for fifteen minutes or longer in a tub of water with three cups of tomato juice added. Don't forget, tomato juice works on you and your pets if you have been "skunked"!
Clothing is an area many people overlook. Loosely fitting clothes allow the body to inhalation better than tight clothes. The perspiration escapes and doesn't become a breeding ground for bacteria. The type of fabric is also very important. Synthetic fabrics for shoes and clothes don't allow the body to breathe, so use all natural fabrics. Clean your dress often.
Dietary changes are also very important in eliminating various sources of odor. Certain food such as meat, onions, garlic, exotic spices, and drinks such as coffee and alcohol can lead to body odor. Try eliminating these from your diet for a week or two and see if this makes a difference. Although you can usually smell your own B.O. if it is from your armpits many people don't realize they have general body odor because they have become accustomed to it. Have someone you can confide in do a "smell test" - before and after you start eliminating certain foods. With the purpose of may be the only way you will find out.
read more on Home Remedies for Bruises
and also on Home Remedies for Burning Tongue read more
Home Remedies for Burns
Stop Oily Skin – Are You In Need Of An Oily Skin Cure?
Are you really despearate to stop oily skin? Are you constantly aware of your shiny, oily face? Does it make you feel uneasy and embarrassed in front of others? Are you in need of an oily skin cure? These are all questions that anyone with this condition will certainly say yes to, and for good reason, because trying to get rid of oily skin can be a difficult and frustrating journey for many in this situation.
Oil secretion from the skin, also known as sebum is caused be overactive sebaceous glands producing far too much oil than is required. It is a natural occurrence, which is necessary to lubricate our skin and hair, but only becomes a problem when the glands produce far more than is needed, making our bodies feel dirty and greasy. It tends to be more prolific on the shoulders, neck and head, with the face being the worst place of all.
The main concerns for many tend to be forever cleansing the skin, having a greasy looking complexion, acne prone oily skin and embarrassment when in the company of others. Within only an hour or so of cleansing, the skin can have a sheen and greasy appearance to it and will gradually get worse as time goes by. Hot and humid conditions will make it worse and if left to build up can make it feel as if your face can't breath and is ready to explode. Does this sound all too familiar to you?
Our skin and hair needs oil which acts as a natural moisturizer, but when the glands produce too much it makes our skin look shiny, dull looking and dirty. This very often creates other problems like spots, blackheads, swelling, enlarged pores and hair that looks like a grease pot. It is more widespread in teenagers but certainly not uncommon for many who are in their twenties, thirties, forties and fifties to suffer with oily face skin problems.
Topical solutions can help but do not slow down the production of oil. Too much washing can also have a negative effect because it can stimulate the glands to produce even more sebum. If you think about it, what you really need is an oily skin cure that slows down the production of oil before it ever has chance to reach the skin. You need a treatment that works from the inside by slowing down your overactive glands and balancing the discharge of sebum to the face and other problem areas of the body.
So is there anything we can do to balance the production of oil and put a stop to our embarrassing problem?
There is a natural oily skin remedy available that works in a totally different way to most other treatments by stopping the over-production of sebum from the sebaceous glands before it reaches the skin. This in turn helps to shrink larger pores and stop oily skin from ever being a problem again. No more embarrassing situations when in the company of others and no more mopping up every couple of hours.
John Reece is the writer and editor of a website dedicated to helping others with Oily Skin and Acne prone Oily Skin. For more valuable information on how to stop Oily Skin, please visit: Oily Skin Cure
Oil secretion from the skin, also known as sebum is caused be overactive sebaceous glands producing far too much oil than is required. It is a natural occurrence, which is necessary to lubricate our skin and hair, but only becomes a problem when the glands produce far more than is needed, making our bodies feel dirty and greasy. It tends to be more prolific on the shoulders, neck and head, with the face being the worst place of all.
The main concerns for many tend to be forever cleansing the skin, having a greasy looking complexion, acne prone oily skin and embarrassment when in the company of others. Within only an hour or so of cleansing, the skin can have a sheen and greasy appearance to it and will gradually get worse as time goes by. Hot and humid conditions will make it worse and if left to build up can make it feel as if your face can't breath and is ready to explode. Does this sound all too familiar to you?
Our skin and hair needs oil which acts as a natural moisturizer, but when the glands produce too much it makes our skin look shiny, dull looking and dirty. This very often creates other problems like spots, blackheads, swelling, enlarged pores and hair that looks like a grease pot. It is more widespread in teenagers but certainly not uncommon for many who are in their twenties, thirties, forties and fifties to suffer with oily face skin problems.
Topical solutions can help but do not slow down the production of oil. Too much washing can also have a negative effect because it can stimulate the glands to produce even more sebum. If you think about it, what you really need is an oily skin cure that slows down the production of oil before it ever has chance to reach the skin. You need a treatment that works from the inside by slowing down your overactive glands and balancing the discharge of sebum to the face and other problem areas of the body.
So is there anything we can do to balance the production of oil and put a stop to our embarrassing problem?
There is a natural oily skin remedy available that works in a totally different way to most other treatments by stopping the over-production of sebum from the sebaceous glands before it reaches the skin. This in turn helps to shrink larger pores and stop oily skin from ever being a problem again. No more embarrassing situations when in the company of others and no more mopping up every couple of hours.
John Reece is the writer and editor of a website dedicated to helping others with Oily Skin and Acne prone Oily Skin. For more valuable information on how to stop Oily Skin, please visit: Oily Skin Cure
Home Remedies for Age Spots
This ingredient will perform far better at removing your blemishes than either a home remedy for age spots or a chemical bleaching agent. What this extract does is lighten the discolored patches of skin, and blend all of the various tones of your skin into one even shade. This will make your skin look softer, creamier, and more vibrant.No home remedy for age spots or bleach centered product will give you the results that a product containing an ingredient such as Extrapone Nut Grass Root Extract will. This extract is all that you have ever wanted in a product that is designed to lighten the discolored areas of your skin. It is the most effective ingredient available on the market.Use creams that do not contain any harmful ingredients like preservatives, fragrances and some alcohols or any other ingredients that might irritate your already fragile skin. Do a little research to ensure you are using a safe and effective home remedy for age spots. It will be well worth your time.
Let's face it - as we grow older, it becomes difficult to smile while looking at the mirror. We find ourselves struck with numerous skin related problems which leave us in an embarrassing and unhappy mood. Speaking of skin related problems; the most common one is Age Spots. While these spots are not harmful to your health, they are unattractive and very undesirable. So is there any cure? Yes, there are numerous instant home remedies for age spots.
Commonly, these spots appear after the age of 55 that's why they call it age spots. Treatments are necessary for age based spots, as it can look like cancerous growths over time. Aside from cosmetic products, some use a home remedy for age spots as an alternative. Besides effective removal of age inspired spots, these home remedies have fewer side effects, so you don't need to worry using them.Dark brown patches of skin develop thanks to UV damage from the sun. When you overexpose your skin to the sun, the production of a skin pigment called melanin increases to absorb the radiation that penetrates through the skin. It's really like a defense mechanism to protect the rest of your body.There really is nothing that would qualify as a home remedy for age spots, because there is nothing in your kitchen that would qualify as a melanin inhibitor. You can't simply cause these spots to fade away by the use of formulas that produce an acidic effect meant to lighten the skin. This will end up leaving your skin blotchy and uneven, if it even has any sort of effect at all.
The most effective ingredients are just not found in your home. In fact, these specific natural ingredients must be used in exact proportions in order to get the benefits of them. It is just not possible to do this at home. There is a delicate balance required in order to combine these ingredients into a good effective age spot remover.It is a great idea to try a home remedy for age spots but why not try a proven product instead; one that contains natural ingredients and not synthetic ones.The only home remedy for age spots that is not a commercially manufactured product, but might be effective is fresh lemon juice. It is acidic enough to peel of the outer layer of skin. That may work, but it might also cause redness, itching and irritation. In order for it to work, you would need to dab it on the spot with a cotton-ball twice day. It will take about 6-8 weeks, but if you avoid exposure to the sun during that time, you should start to see it fade away.Simply using home remedies for age spots doesn't stop oxidation. In order to prevent the skin cells from becoming unstable, it is important to use some cream that includes ingredients not only for brightening your skin but includes ones that tackle oxidation. Usually such ingredients include potent antioxidants that work in synergy with other anti-aging skin care ingredients.
This ingredient will perform far better at removing your blemishes than either a home remedy for age spots or a chemical bleaching agent. What this extract does is lighten the discolored patches of skin, and blend all of the various tones of your skin into one even shade. This will make your skin look softer, creamier, and more vibrant.No home remedy for age spots or bleach centered product will give you the results that a product containing an ingredient such as Extrapone Nut Grass Root Extract will. This extract is all that you have ever wanted in a product that is designed to lighten the discolored areas of your skin. It is the most effective ingredient available on the market.Use creams that do not contain any harmful ingredients like preservatives, fragrances and some alcohols or any other ingredients that might irritate your already fragile skin. Do a little research to ensure you are using a safe and effective home remedy for age spots. It will be well worth your time.
Read more on Home Remedies for Allergies and Home Remedies for Amnesia
Let's face it - as we grow older, it becomes difficult to smile while looking at the mirror. We find ourselves struck with numerous skin related problems which leave us in an embarrassing and unhappy mood. Speaking of skin related problems; the most common one is Age Spots. While these spots are not harmful to your health, they are unattractive and very undesirable. So is there any cure? Yes, there are numerous instant home remedies for age spots.
Commonly, these spots appear after the age of 55 that's why they call it age spots. Treatments are necessary for age based spots, as it can look like cancerous growths over time. Aside from cosmetic products, some use a home remedy for age spots as an alternative. Besides effective removal of age inspired spots, these home remedies have fewer side effects, so you don't need to worry using them.Dark brown patches of skin develop thanks to UV damage from the sun. When you overexpose your skin to the sun, the production of a skin pigment called melanin increases to absorb the radiation that penetrates through the skin. It's really like a defense mechanism to protect the rest of your body.There really is nothing that would qualify as a home remedy for age spots, because there is nothing in your kitchen that would qualify as a melanin inhibitor. You can't simply cause these spots to fade away by the use of formulas that produce an acidic effect meant to lighten the skin. This will end up leaving your skin blotchy and uneven, if it even has any sort of effect at all.
The most effective ingredients are just not found in your home. In fact, these specific natural ingredients must be used in exact proportions in order to get the benefits of them. It is just not possible to do this at home. There is a delicate balance required in order to combine these ingredients into a good effective age spot remover.It is a great idea to try a home remedy for age spots but why not try a proven product instead; one that contains natural ingredients and not synthetic ones.The only home remedy for age spots that is not a commercially manufactured product, but might be effective is fresh lemon juice. It is acidic enough to peel of the outer layer of skin. That may work, but it might also cause redness, itching and irritation. In order for it to work, you would need to dab it on the spot with a cotton-ball twice day. It will take about 6-8 weeks, but if you avoid exposure to the sun during that time, you should start to see it fade away.Simply using home remedies for age spots doesn't stop oxidation. In order to prevent the skin cells from becoming unstable, it is important to use some cream that includes ingredients not only for brightening your skin but includes ones that tackle oxidation. Usually such ingredients include potent antioxidants that work in synergy with other anti-aging skin care ingredients.
This ingredient will perform far better at removing your blemishes than either a home remedy for age spots or a chemical bleaching agent. What this extract does is lighten the discolored patches of skin, and blend all of the various tones of your skin into one even shade. This will make your skin look softer, creamier, and more vibrant.No home remedy for age spots or bleach centered product will give you the results that a product containing an ingredient such as Extrapone Nut Grass Root Extract will. This extract is all that you have ever wanted in a product that is designed to lighten the discolored areas of your skin. It is the most effective ingredient available on the market.Use creams that do not contain any harmful ingredients like preservatives, fragrances and some alcohols or any other ingredients that might irritate your already fragile skin. Do a little research to ensure you are using a safe and effective home remedy for age spots. It will be well worth your time.
Read more on Home Remedies for Allergies and Home Remedies for Amnesia
Acne Scars Removal Home Remedies
Home remedies have passed hands through generations and are now even included in many products that are called 'natural products'. They play a part in improving the texture and also the hue of the skin, also aiding in lessening the strength of acne marks. Being patient is the key here since these home remedies for acne scars take their own sweet time to act. You will probably notice a marked reduction or actually disappearance of the scars only after three or six months.
Most of you have been so engrossed with cosmetic procedures that you have forgotten to explore home remedy for wrinkles, homemade wrinkle smoother are nearer and more accessible than you actually think it is.
One popular remedy for acne scar removal which many people find effective is to apply a mixture of cucumber and tomato juice to your face. Tomatoes are known for their antioxidant qualities, and can help prevent the skin being damaged at the cellular levels. It also helps strengthen the immune system and improve the skin tone. Cucumber and tomato are also both very good at tightening up the pores of your skin.
A paste of sandalwood and rose water
Sandal wood and rose water should be combined to make a paste. This paste should then be applied on the entire face as a face mask. The mask should be left on the skin for at least an hour. If possible, let the mask stay for overnight. It helps the skin to tighten and also gives a soothing effect to the skin.
Ice cubes and cucumber juice-
Ice cubes when rubbed on the skin tightens the skin and squeezes the pores thus forcing out the dirt and infection. After rubbing the skin with ice cubes for 20 minutes take a little cucumber juice and apply it generously over the infected area and leave it for about 20 minutes. The cucumber juice further tightens the skin and cleans the pores.
Don't use instant oatmeal or minute oatmeal. And for heaven's sake - don't try this with steel-cut oats. I think they're marvelous for cooking and eating, but for skin care, just get regular rolled oats. Put it through a food processor until it's the consistency of flour. If you want to make enough to have on hand, keep it in an air-tight container in your bathroom.
In addition to these remedies, you can try using some advanced products like Acnezine solution. This revolutionary skin management system has supposedly helped many people in not only treating the blemishes but also helps in controlling acne outbreaks from occurring in the future. Besides, it also works in a fast and effective manner to remove pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, pus and acne spots using some of the finest ingredients.
Another very simple, free home remedy for acne scars is to put some ice cubes in a pack (something like a soft cloth) and put it on your face. This soothes the skin of your face, shrinks the pores and generally just feels refreshing on the area. Another cheap and popular home remedy is to go to the kitchen and make a past of tomatoes and cucumbers.
Read About Breast Enlargement And Firm Breasts And Also Breast Firming
Most of you have been so engrossed with cosmetic procedures that you have forgotten to explore home remedy for wrinkles, homemade wrinkle smoother are nearer and more accessible than you actually think it is.
One popular remedy for acne scar removal which many people find effective is to apply a mixture of cucumber and tomato juice to your face. Tomatoes are known for their antioxidant qualities, and can help prevent the skin being damaged at the cellular levels. It also helps strengthen the immune system and improve the skin tone. Cucumber and tomato are also both very good at tightening up the pores of your skin.
A paste of sandalwood and rose water
Sandal wood and rose water should be combined to make a paste. This paste should then be applied on the entire face as a face mask. The mask should be left on the skin for at least an hour. If possible, let the mask stay for overnight. It helps the skin to tighten and also gives a soothing effect to the skin.
Ice cubes and cucumber juice-
Ice cubes when rubbed on the skin tightens the skin and squeezes the pores thus forcing out the dirt and infection. After rubbing the skin with ice cubes for 20 minutes take a little cucumber juice and apply it generously over the infected area and leave it for about 20 minutes. The cucumber juice further tightens the skin and cleans the pores.
Don't use instant oatmeal or minute oatmeal. And for heaven's sake - don't try this with steel-cut oats. I think they're marvelous for cooking and eating, but for skin care, just get regular rolled oats. Put it through a food processor until it's the consistency of flour. If you want to make enough to have on hand, keep it in an air-tight container in your bathroom.
In addition to these remedies, you can try using some advanced products like Acnezine solution. This revolutionary skin management system has supposedly helped many people in not only treating the blemishes but also helps in controlling acne outbreaks from occurring in the future. Besides, it also works in a fast and effective manner to remove pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, pus and acne spots using some of the finest ingredients.
Another very simple, free home remedy for acne scars is to put some ice cubes in a pack (something like a soft cloth) and put it on your face. This soothes the skin of your face, shrinks the pores and generally just feels refreshing on the area. Another cheap and popular home remedy is to go to the kitchen and make a past of tomatoes and cucumbers.
Read About Breast Enlargement And Firm Breasts And Also Breast Firming
Tomato Skin Care Remedies
The tomato is typically known for being used in kitchen as one of the widely known fruits, brightly red in color and comes in all shapes and sizes. Tomatoes are used in salads, sandwiches, pastes, sauces, juices and many different prepared dishes. However, did you know that tomatoes are an inexpensive and easy to find remedy for skin care. With a wide array of versatility, color, flavor and nutrition the tomato can treat many different skin conditions and problems.
Although the tomato has been widely debated over being a fruit or vegetable, it makes no difference when it comes to using the tomato for skin care. The tomato can treat several types of skin problems including acne, blackheads, oily skin, enlarged pores, skin rashes, sunburns, discoloration, dry skin, and dull complexions. The tomato contains a wide variety of nutritional elements not only good for the skin but good for overall health. Most widely known for having vitamin A, and C the tomato also contains vitamin E, K, B1, B2, B3, and B6. Additionally the tomato is a great source of fiber, iron, manganese, potassium, carotenes, magnesium, and lycopene. Lycopene is known as one of the most powerful antioxidants and tomatoes contains the most lycopene out of any other fruit or vegetable. As a powerful antioxidant, the tomato fights free radicals from causing abnormal skin cell changes which can cause wrinkles, acne, discoloration, skin tone changes and many more diseases and skin problems.
Rich in vitamin C, the tomato can brighten a dull complexion and reduce skin imperfections such as skin tone and texture. The vitamin A in tomatoes builds healthy skin cells that are strong and resilient. Tomatoes, like many other fruits are also well known for being acidic which gives it a natural astringent effect on the face and pores. This removes the dead skin cells from the top layer of skin, which eliminates excess oil and clears blackheads that fill the top of pores. For people with oily skin, the tomato balances the oiliness by reducing excess oil that sits on top of the skin. Tomatoes can be used alone or partnered with other natural ingredients to combine the power of each to eliminate skin disorders.
When treating acne, the tomato alone has the power to clean and cleanse the skin of bacteria that causes acne. The tomato can also reduce inflammation and redness caused by blocked pores and remove pimples, zits, and blackheads that are visibly present on the face. Take a ripened tomato, and mash it up. Apply the mashed tomato liberally to the face and neck or any area affected by acne. Leave the tomato for 1 hour. Then rinse off with tepid water. You should notice a brighter complexion immediately and a reduction in acne after using it for a whole week, once a day.
Since excess oil can be one of the causes of acne, using a tomato on people with oily skin is necessary. For daily spot treatments, slice a tomato and rub it directly on the face, especially on the areas that accumulate the moist oil such as the cheeks, nose and forehead. After a couple of minutes rinse off the residue with cool water. For additional soothing effects mix and mash a tomato and cucumber together. Apply directly to the face and rinse after a couple of minutes. Next you should use a cleanser at least once a week for combination skin, and a couple times a week for oily skin. For a smooth and cooling affect tomato should be combined with avocado. This mixes the astringent of tomato with the antiseptic of avocado. Smooth the combination on the face completely. Leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with tepid water. If you prefer you can use tomato with whole milk. Blend an overly ripe tomato and strain the pulp out. Mix the tomato juice with and equal amount of whole milk. Apply to the face for 10 minutes. Remove with bottled water to see a much less oily face.
Large or enlarged pores are a sign of acne and oily skin. When the pores on your face are enlarged more oil is allowed to seep onto the face. To reduce the size of your pores, tomatoes, which are a natural astringent, will automatically retract the pores and decrease the amount of oil allowed to come out. A tomato lotion can be used daily to decrease the natural size of your pores. Mix 1 tablespoon of tomato juice with a couple drops of limejuice. Apply this to the face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with tepid water to reveal smaller pores.
To remove skin rashes mix a tomato with plain yogurt. Yogurt is a natural antibacterial due to the live cultures within it. Spread the mixture on your face or any other area of skin rash. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Do this 2-3 times a day to see a difference.
When you get a sunburn, the painful feel and red look are the most important things that you want to reduce as soon as possible. Tomatoes can be used to reduce the pain and swelling that comes with a sunburn. By mixing tomatoes and buttermilk you can remove the top layer of dead skins and sooth the painful burn. Mix 2 teaspoons of tomato juice with 4 tablespoons of buttermilk. Apply to the burnt areas and remove after 1 1/2 hours. Apply as frequently as needed until pain, swelling and redness disappear.
Lastly, a dull complexion reduces the healthy, natural young appearance of the face. To revive the skin and give it back that healthy glow mix tomato and honey to refresh the skin and bring it back to life. Honey is a natural antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, which does wonders for the skin. Mixed with tomato juice and applied to the skin for 15 minutes at a time, a dull complexion will be increasingly brightened. Rinse with warm water and pat the skin dry.
Everyday Health, Live your Life to the fullest!
Although the tomato has been widely debated over being a fruit or vegetable, it makes no difference when it comes to using the tomato for skin care. The tomato can treat several types of skin problems including acne, blackheads, oily skin, enlarged pores, skin rashes, sunburns, discoloration, dry skin, and dull complexions. The tomato contains a wide variety of nutritional elements not only good for the skin but good for overall health. Most widely known for having vitamin A, and C the tomato also contains vitamin E, K, B1, B2, B3, and B6. Additionally the tomato is a great source of fiber, iron, manganese, potassium, carotenes, magnesium, and lycopene. Lycopene is known as one of the most powerful antioxidants and tomatoes contains the most lycopene out of any other fruit or vegetable. As a powerful antioxidant, the tomato fights free radicals from causing abnormal skin cell changes which can cause wrinkles, acne, discoloration, skin tone changes and many more diseases and skin problems.
Rich in vitamin C, the tomato can brighten a dull complexion and reduce skin imperfections such as skin tone and texture. The vitamin A in tomatoes builds healthy skin cells that are strong and resilient. Tomatoes, like many other fruits are also well known for being acidic which gives it a natural astringent effect on the face and pores. This removes the dead skin cells from the top layer of skin, which eliminates excess oil and clears blackheads that fill the top of pores. For people with oily skin, the tomato balances the oiliness by reducing excess oil that sits on top of the skin. Tomatoes can be used alone or partnered with other natural ingredients to combine the power of each to eliminate skin disorders.
When treating acne, the tomato alone has the power to clean and cleanse the skin of bacteria that causes acne. The tomato can also reduce inflammation and redness caused by blocked pores and remove pimples, zits, and blackheads that are visibly present on the face. Take a ripened tomato, and mash it up. Apply the mashed tomato liberally to the face and neck or any area affected by acne. Leave the tomato for 1 hour. Then rinse off with tepid water. You should notice a brighter complexion immediately and a reduction in acne after using it for a whole week, once a day.
Since excess oil can be one of the causes of acne, using a tomato on people with oily skin is necessary. For daily spot treatments, slice a tomato and rub it directly on the face, especially on the areas that accumulate the moist oil such as the cheeks, nose and forehead. After a couple of minutes rinse off the residue with cool water. For additional soothing effects mix and mash a tomato and cucumber together. Apply directly to the face and rinse after a couple of minutes. Next you should use a cleanser at least once a week for combination skin, and a couple times a week for oily skin. For a smooth and cooling affect tomato should be combined with avocado. This mixes the astringent of tomato with the antiseptic of avocado. Smooth the combination on the face completely. Leave for 20-30 minutes and rinse with tepid water. If you prefer you can use tomato with whole milk. Blend an overly ripe tomato and strain the pulp out. Mix the tomato juice with and equal amount of whole milk. Apply to the face for 10 minutes. Remove with bottled water to see a much less oily face.
Large or enlarged pores are a sign of acne and oily skin. When the pores on your face are enlarged more oil is allowed to seep onto the face. To reduce the size of your pores, tomatoes, which are a natural astringent, will automatically retract the pores and decrease the amount of oil allowed to come out. A tomato lotion can be used daily to decrease the natural size of your pores. Mix 1 tablespoon of tomato juice with a couple drops of limejuice. Apply this to the face and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with tepid water to reveal smaller pores.
To remove skin rashes mix a tomato with plain yogurt. Yogurt is a natural antibacterial due to the live cultures within it. Spread the mixture on your face or any other area of skin rash. Leave for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Do this 2-3 times a day to see a difference.
When you get a sunburn, the painful feel and red look are the most important things that you want to reduce as soon as possible. Tomatoes can be used to reduce the pain and swelling that comes with a sunburn. By mixing tomatoes and buttermilk you can remove the top layer of dead skins and sooth the painful burn. Mix 2 teaspoons of tomato juice with 4 tablespoons of buttermilk. Apply to the burnt areas and remove after 1 1/2 hours. Apply as frequently as needed until pain, swelling and redness disappear.
Lastly, a dull complexion reduces the healthy, natural young appearance of the face. To revive the skin and give it back that healthy glow mix tomato and honey to refresh the skin and bring it back to life. Honey is a natural antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, which does wonders for the skin. Mixed with tomato juice and applied to the skin for 15 minutes at a time, a dull complexion will be increasingly brightened. Rinse with warm water and pat the skin dry.
Everyday Health, Live your Life to the fullest!
Facial Pore Suction Cleaner Blackhead Acne Remover - How Do They Work?
If you have oily skin, then you probably also suffer from large pores and the accumulation of oil, dirt and dead skin cells that eventually lead to blackheads. One might get a few large blackheads here and there, while people with oily skin can have a number of tiny, speck like blackheads all over their face. Some people are using a facial pore suction cleaner blackhead remover to battle acne. In this article, we will discuss how these pore suction cleaner blackhead tools are used.
Facial pore suction cleaner blackhead removers are available in a number of different brands and the pricing can vary. For example, Avon sells one for only $12 that works well. There are also more expensive ones available.
When you use a blackhead cleaner, the first step is to open your pores and use a mild cleanser to clean your face. There are a number of ways to do this. You can steam your face in the shower to open the pores, use a warm wash cloth or hold your face over a bowl of boiling water for five minutes. After opening your pores, gently cleanse your face using your fingers. Often time this will start the removal process and some of your blackheads will be eliminated. Rinse well and you are ready for the next step.
The next step is to begin using the pore cleaner. Don't let your face get too dry at any time during the pore cleansing process. Keep your face wet with warm water, not merely moist. The wetness on your skin will help you keep a good seal for the suction cup against your skin.
The first time, you may get what some call the "scraping off" of surface dead cells, but keep at it and re-wet skin with warm water if needed and the next time you move the cup over that spot it will remove the contents of pores, now that the surface dead layers are out of the way.
Do not just use this on dry skin misted over using the mist attachment or you will be disappointed. You need to open your pores first, in order to get the best results. Also be careful not to leave the suction cup in one spot too long, or you may experience bruising.
Some people swear by their facial Pore Suction Cleaner Blackhead Acne Remover. If it works for you, then you may find this is just the tool you were looking for to clean your pores and make your face smooth and blackhead free.
Visit for more helpful acne tips and advice on acne scars, acne home remedies, acne products, blackhead removal and how to get rid of acne scars.
Facial pore suction cleaner blackhead removers are available in a number of different brands and the pricing can vary. For example, Avon sells one for only $12 that works well. There are also more expensive ones available.
When you use a blackhead cleaner, the first step is to open your pores and use a mild cleanser to clean your face. There are a number of ways to do this. You can steam your face in the shower to open the pores, use a warm wash cloth or hold your face over a bowl of boiling water for five minutes. After opening your pores, gently cleanse your face using your fingers. Often time this will start the removal process and some of your blackheads will be eliminated. Rinse well and you are ready for the next step.
The next step is to begin using the pore cleaner. Don't let your face get too dry at any time during the pore cleansing process. Keep your face wet with warm water, not merely moist. The wetness on your skin will help you keep a good seal for the suction cup against your skin.
The first time, you may get what some call the "scraping off" of surface dead cells, but keep at it and re-wet skin with warm water if needed and the next time you move the cup over that spot it will remove the contents of pores, now that the surface dead layers are out of the way.
Do not just use this on dry skin misted over using the mist attachment or you will be disappointed. You need to open your pores first, in order to get the best results. Also be careful not to leave the suction cup in one spot too long, or you may experience bruising.
Some people swear by their facial Pore Suction Cleaner Blackhead Acne Remover. If it works for you, then you may find this is just the tool you were looking for to clean your pores and make your face smooth and blackhead free.
Visit for more helpful acne tips and advice on acne scars, acne home remedies, acne products, blackhead removal and how to get rid of acne scars.
Tips To Effectively Remove Blackheads
Most people only knew of one way to remove blackheads; by squeezing. It seems to be the only logical (and not to mention faster) way of removing blackhead. However, you must ensure that it is done properly or you may risk aggravating your condition. The best solution to removing blackhead is by removing the roots of the problem. How do you remove blackhead once and for all?
To effectively remove blackhead, first you must understand the nature of blackheads. Skin's natural oil (also known as sebum) is produced naturally and collects in the skin pores. Other than oil, skin also expel toxin through the pores. The combination of sebum and these toxins clogs the pores and hardens. As a result, it became glue like substance and once oxidized, the color turns black. Some do not realize the importance of removing blackhead namely failure to remove blackhead may result in formation of acne and pimples.
Since there are no ways of controlling the amount of sebum produced by the skin, an effective way to remove blackhead is by maintaining good cleansing routine. You will need to use a cleanser and exfoliant to remove dead skin cells. By doing this, you can prevent sebum build up in your pores.
If you already have blackhead and want to remove it as safely as possible, you can always try this remedy: You will need 4 tablespoon of baking soda and 4 tablespoon of water. Mixed both items and rub them gently on your skin for 2 to 3 minutes. Once done, rinse your face with warm water. Warm water will open up the pores and allow easy removal of blackhead.
Combine a quarter cup of hot water with one teaspoon of Epsom salt and three drops of iodine. Wait until the mixture cools down. Dab the mixture using a cotton balls on the blackhead. Wait for a couple of minutes and squeeze the blackheads.
The key to remove blackhead is to be gentle. Overtly applying pressure may risk lodging the blockage deeper. Once infection sets in, pimple will break out and this is the last thing you would want to happen.
If you're suffering acne and looking for fast natural acne remedy to solve your problem almost instantaneously please visit this site for more information.
Natural Acne Solution
To effectively remove blackhead, first you must understand the nature of blackheads. Skin's natural oil (also known as sebum) is produced naturally and collects in the skin pores. Other than oil, skin also expel toxin through the pores. The combination of sebum and these toxins clogs the pores and hardens. As a result, it became glue like substance and once oxidized, the color turns black. Some do not realize the importance of removing blackhead namely failure to remove blackhead may result in formation of acne and pimples.
Since there are no ways of controlling the amount of sebum produced by the skin, an effective way to remove blackhead is by maintaining good cleansing routine. You will need to use a cleanser and exfoliant to remove dead skin cells. By doing this, you can prevent sebum build up in your pores.
If you already have blackhead and want to remove it as safely as possible, you can always try this remedy: You will need 4 tablespoon of baking soda and 4 tablespoon of water. Mixed both items and rub them gently on your skin for 2 to 3 minutes. Once done, rinse your face with warm water. Warm water will open up the pores and allow easy removal of blackhead.
Combine a quarter cup of hot water with one teaspoon of Epsom salt and three drops of iodine. Wait until the mixture cools down. Dab the mixture using a cotton balls on the blackhead. Wait for a couple of minutes and squeeze the blackheads.
The key to remove blackhead is to be gentle. Overtly applying pressure may risk lodging the blockage deeper. Once infection sets in, pimple will break out and this is the last thing you would want to happen.
If you're suffering acne and looking for fast natural acne remedy to solve your problem almost instantaneously please visit this site for more information.
Natural Acne Solution
Friday, August 26, 2011
ACNE DYSMORPHIA can be referred to as rare case of mental illness. ACNE DYSMORPHIA condition is closely associated to body dysmorphic disorder. ACNE DYSMORPHIA can be referred to as rare case of mental illness ACNE DYSMORPHIA can be referred to as rare case of mental illness.
ACNE DYSMORPHIA this condition is closely associated to body dysmorphic disorder. ACNE DYSMORPHIA can be referred to as rare case of mental illness.
This condition is closely associated to body dysmorphic disorder. ACNE DYSMORPHIA disorder is quite similar to Anorexia Nervosa. Simple terms, this acne is a kind of obsessive thought on the part of the sufferer that his or her skin is irregular or in a bad condition. ACNE DYSMORPHIA in many cases, these individuals suffer from acne. However, even a very mild acne problem seems to be very big for them.
Here, the person tends to believe that his skin is in a very bad condition. He keeps on checking for imperfections in the mirror. For example, the person may pick at mirror imperfections and bleed. This type of ACNE DYSMORPHIA disease or condition should not be under estimated. If neglected it may ruin one's social life. The person may also suffer from a severe type of inferiority complex that can result in obsessive thoughts and behaviors. The ACNE DYSMORPHIA patient may harm themselves condition is closely associated to body dysmorphic disorder.
ACNE DYSMORPHIA disorder is quite similar to Anorexia Nervosa. Simple terms, this acne is a kind of obsessive thought on the part of the sufferer that his or her skin is irregular or in a bad condition. Here, the person tends to believe that his skin is in a very bad condition. He keeps on checking for imperfections in the mirror. For example, the person may pick at mirror imperfections and bleed. This type of ACNE DYSMORPHIA disease or condition should not be under estimated. If neglected it may ruin one's social life. The person may also suffer from a severe type of inferiority complex that can result in obsessive thoughts and behaviors. The ACNE DYSMORPHIA patient may harm themselves if left untreated.
ACNE DYSMORPHIA There are several symptoms that can suggest the presence of traces of Acne Dysmorphia in a person. Here are some of the signs you need to look for when determining the presence of this acne in an individual.
· Hatred towards one's skin
· People with Acne Dysmorphia tend to hate their skin even for minor or almost non apparent imperfections.
· Mirror obsessions
· They keep looking at themselves in the mirror for imperfections and are looking for the progress. They keep on thinking about:
· Has it improved?
· Has it worsened?
· How bad it look at the moment?
· Depression
· People with this acne tend to get in to bouts of depression and constantly think that their skin is bad.
· Picking Imperfections
· Acne Dysmorphia tend to pick at their imperfection and this often results in skin to tear away and even bleed. This can be very serious.
Acne Dysmorphia treatment; optimum method to treat this severe condition is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This therapy works via treating the obsession for a clear or acne free skin. Most people have benefited from this treatment. They have also noticed a drastic improvement in the symptoms. While undergoing this treatment, one needs to learn to fight negative feelings on a daily basis. One may also attend group sessions. However, most people find it comfortable to attend individual sessions as it tends to save them a lot of embarrassment.
Acne Dysmorphia is a rare type of disease. However, if one is suffering from this serious disease, it is very important to seek medical help as soon as possible. Never ever try to handle this problem on your own as it is very difficult to cure it on own. Seek professional help and religiously follow the therapy and directions provided by your health care practitioner.
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