Wednesday, August 17, 2011


There will always be some moments in our lives where we have to look completely spotless. Whether it's a job interview you have in couple of days, and important date with someone that you finally landed or a social gathering of some sort where you are going to meet a lot of new people. It's crucial that we look are best during these occasional times where it actually involves going out of our house and out of our comfort zones. That's why acne should be the last issue on our mind that we have to deal with. Here are some tips that can help you prevent and get rid of acne in the future so you don't have to deal with last minute acne issues.

Acne Tip #1

Not a lot of people know this but you if you're doing it already, try changing your pillow case to a fresh one every week. Whenever you are laying your face on the surface of a pillow, bacteria and oil is being built up. Have you ever gone to sleep with no acne marks then wake up the next morning with a white head right on your face? You may blame some sort of random occurrence and say, "This just happens once in a while." But if you have used the same pillow over and over again, then there's a good chance that bacteria and oil happened to clog up your pores and allow for acne the next morning. By doing a simple thing like changing your pillow case, it can help a lot when it comes to having acne free skin.

Acne Tip #2

Popping your pimples is something you don't want to do. I know it can be a quick solution getting rid of acne. But the downfall is that you will most likely get small scars later on that will be very noticeable with you get into the habit of doing it a lot.  Plus when you pop your pimples, that "pus" or oil can will more likely ooze back into your skin which can cause for more pimples later on. If you really need to pop your pimples, I suggest cleaning it with an alcohol like hydrogen peroxide after you do. At least this will get rid of the toxins before it starts to spread. However, you will still get a little tiny pock mark later on so be aware of what decision you do first.

Acne Tip #3

Drink a ton of water - plain and simple. This is probably one of the best ways to prevent future acne. 3-5 glasses a day should be enough. It's even better if you add a tinge of lemon juice inside from squeezing fresh lemons. You want to flush out all the toxins in your body and cleanse your skin from inside out. This will help your body run smoothly in terms of cleaning out unnecessary toxins that help build bacteria onto your skin.

The best part of this is, all these things are very doable and are in your control. You just have to make the decision to take action. If you do these 3 things half the battle is over. The other half requires you to understand the most efficient techniques of getting rid of and preventing acne.

For more everything you need to know about how to <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">get rid of acne overnight</a> and stopping acne for good, check out Chris Gibson's e-book: <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Acne Free in 3 Days</a>.

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