REVIEW TREATING YOUR ACNE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF - Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System
People specifically teenagers are afflicted by acne along with other skin conditions. Even though acne impacts 90% teenagers this is higher average of world population {it is an issue that also affects many adults and pets. Acne breakouts are an issue that is felt by adults, despite the fact that teens typically suffer from this the most.
Many people believe that there is no help for their condition without expensive medications and treatments. Pricey medications are normally what individuals turn to in order to get rid of their pimples but there are more options and choices.
Prior to running off to the pharmacy to buy all those expensive creams, lotions, ointments or medications, you should know that you do have alternative choices. When you follow the simple basic steps below you may find that your acne outbreaks will minimize and maybe just disappear entirely.
In the following paragraphs we are going to cover several things that you can do to help minimize and reduce your acne and help to clear your skin. If you want to begin clearing up your acne and can't afford those expensive and costly medications or treatments you will find simple things that can help.
Now I realize that the majority of you are going to say "duh", nevertheless, you need to| wash your face at least twice a day. The very first thing you need to do is to thoroughly clean your face and neck each day and night.
Harmful bacteria gets on your face throughout the day so you need to keep your face; thoroughly clean. Everyday your face is filled with oil from your skin as well as dirt floating and suspended in the air along with other bacteria's and you need to clean these off.
Your face has to cope with bacteria, dirt and oil through out the day need to really need to wash your face regularly to keep it clean. It is actually much better if you can wash your face more than two times a day.
Naturally if you're able to you should be washing your face whenever possible throughout the day. If you have the opportunity you need to cleanse your face few times each and every day but twice a day will help.
Another thing that many individuals don't think about is their diet will also have an impact on acne breakout. One thing that men and women never take into consideration is that the foods you consume can also add your acne condition.
The meals you eat can also have a major effect on your skin. Make a conscious effort to avoid fried foods and along with other sweets as well as minimizing your bread intake.
A couple of things you should avoid is products that contain a lot of sugar like cakes, desserts, muffins as well as soda’s and also whenever possible try to eliminate bread from your diet.
Breads as well as certain foods that contain a lot of processed sugar like chocolate and donuts should be avoided whenever possible. Try |exchanging your sweets with assorted fruits and vegetables. Eating fresh fruit will help to curb your cravings for these other snack foods which are loaded with sugar.
Yet another thing you don't want to do pop your pimples. Do not squeeze| your pimples| as this is a bad habit. Popping your white heads or blackheads is just another thing to avoid doing.
Your zits are generally packed with bacteria, and when you pop them you can very easily spreading bacteria to other pores on your face or even| other parts of your body.
You may or may not realize that when you pop a blemish} all that bacteria is being released and can end up in more of the pores of your face causing larger breakout's.
The actual bacteria that is released whenever you pop a your pimple can end up being dispersed to other pores which in turn will end up supplying you with more acne breakout's than before.
Therefore stay clear of| the actual pimple popping while the urge will probably be there to pop it, you will need to control the pimple popping urge.
For the girls and women out there try to cut back on your cosmetics products. A large number of females suffer from acne and they should stop using cover ups along with other makeup when they can.
For women while makeup products can make you feel better you ought to definitely minimize} the makeup products if you have acne. Cleansing your face twice a day is important however. I don't| mean just when you take a shower.
Facial foundation has a tendency to clog your pores which means you will be trapping bacteria within your pores each and every time you put on your makeup you are blocking your pores and you are sealing in all sorts of bacteria and dirt in your new healing tissue.
There is Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System - I highly recommend Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System: Most effective treatments to eliminate acne and clear skin just CLICK PICTURE-GO TO PRODUCT NOW
A List mania! List by Johnny S
The list author says: "Best products for eliminating moderate to severe acne, getting rid of pimples, zits, blemishes, acne scars and irritated skin. With so many acne products available, it can become very confusing trying to sort out the good from the bad.
A common mistake is using several of acne treatments simultaneously in hopes to achieve even better results. This often leads to more irritated and dried out skin.
Many professionals agree that the most effective approach is to combine an oral acne treatment, such as Clearzine, with a facial cleanser or cleansing program like Proactiv, Acnefree or Clean & Clear.
Below is a list of some of the best products available to rid acne as well as some great books on the subject.
Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System
and while you are at the site read the 111 reviews from people just like you who have actually purchased Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System:
REVIEWS Out of the 111 reviews I picked at random some of the reviews.
great product,
By KYP (Lakewood, CO United States) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System (Health and Beauty)
Think of how much $ you've spent over the years on cleansers, scrubbers, etc...think about it, seriously think about it..b/c after using this product, it made me think of how much I've wasted and should have spent it on this product. WHY you ask...No matter how expensive/cheap/raved about cleanser I've used, nothing really cleaned my face. It would either dry it up, leave some type of a residue, or just irritated my skin. After years of trial and error, I gave up, and stuck to good ol fashion water and oil of olay. I'm blessed with good skin, but I still have my problem areas. I got this as a gift. VERY GLAD I did. I was skeptical. I was hesitant and kinda scoffed at the idea that a rotating brush could do much for me. I felt my skin before I used the product, pretty darn smooth. I tested it after I used the product - wow, it made my before skin feel like sand paper. I just knew that it cleaned out buildup of product (makeup, cleanser, lotion, whatever) because my skin actually GLOWED. I used the standard 2 minutes function on my t-zone. It really buffed away some spots that had raised bumps before. Pretty insane b/c I really didn't think I need this product. I could only imagine what it could do for people who have problematic skin. So all the products i've bought/used before couldn't even come close...made me feel like I did waste a lot of money. What else do iI like about the Pro vs. the Mia - the 4 speed rules - only because I want it. I end up using the standard speed a lot for me face. It also seems like the handle is a little bit bigger than the regular model. I don't think the Clarisonic cleaners that it comes with are all that fabulous. My skin feels a little bit drier than when I use some other stuff - I recommend you use your own cleansers (as long as it doesn't have exfoliants in it. If it does, then take the brush off the machine after each use to clean it out - or it will cause build up. I like that there are grooves under the brushes so water can flow out and not stay stagnant in the machine. The design of the handle is ergonomic and comfortable to use. I would suggest making it lighter - when you're using the body brush, it gets to be a little heavy after a few runs. I like the brush head that it comes with. Great for sensitive skin, great at all modes of the machine (I use the Pro mode for m t-zone and chin - my problem areas) - about once a week. I use it every other day on the normal speed. And alternate with the body brush. What I find most valuable - BODY BRUSH! This is what really hit me. I've tried different types of brushes and exfoliants, but my skin just wasn't baby soft. I've spent $ at spas doing a full body scrub. Yeh, my skin is silky smooth awesome, but it only lasts for a few days, then I feel a few dry spots here and there. Not anymore!!! Dry spots GONE. Skin Smooth. It's amazing. What I spent for 2 body scrubs = this machine. It makes me happy. PLUS this has cleared up dry spots that body scrubs have missed - the back of my thighs and upper arms. My skin is like butter now.
Click Picture -Go To Product Right Now
Kayla - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty)
This product is one of the best things I've ever bought for myself... It does exactly what it says: cleans your skin better than you ever thought you could, mildly exfoliates, and just makes your skin look fabulous. I can also tell it is softening my fine lines on my forehead (which are just starting). Once you use a clarisonic, you'll never go back to washing your face the regular way. I really like the Pro better than the one my friend bought awhile ago, b/c I changed it to a two minute timer b/c I have very oily skin, and I also like to be able to customize the speed (high after the gym, normal on a regular day). A FANTASTIC buy... a must for anyone who is looking for a boost to their facial skin. Plus, if you buy the spot attachment, you can use it on rough places like your upper chest, elbows, and knees (it has a special speed built in for body areas).
Lealbr (N. Texas) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty)
The benefits of this product can be seen immediately. You will experience softer, smoother skin after the first use and your face will really look and feel squeaky clean. My pimples don't last as long (sometimes disappear in less than 24 hours which never happened before), and my expensive skin care products are more effective. The real reason for the purchase was a bunch of blackheads on my chin and they are diminishing in quantity. Also they are more brown now than black which I could see after using a Biore strip. Hopefully they will eventually disappear. I recommend this product.
KateyKateyMcGrady (Southeast Michigan, USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System (Health and Beauty)
I received this as a gift from my sister who advised me to use it for deep makeup removal and said that it may even clear up my acne. I had tried Proactiv, but the benzoyl peroxide dried my skin out so much that my acne worsened (a common problem). I saw a dermatologist and was prescribed antibiotics to control the breakouts of cystic acne, which were deep and painful, but stopped after I started noticing that I wasn't breaking out anymore. I was not looking forward to having to start taking medication for this issue again, as other problems can result from taking antibiotics extensively, so I took my sister's advice and tried it. This was in March; three months later and I don't have a problem with acne anymore - it's unreal! I absolutely love my Clarisonic, and I am so glad my sister got it for me. A truly great gift, I am amazed every time I look in the mirror. Bottom line: definitely worth a try for acne, and it's worth every penny!
E. Talev "Little Lisa" (Austin, TX) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty)
I'm almost 35 now, and have suffered from relentless, itchy, painful, embarrassing acne breakouts since age 28. I always seem to have at least a few zits on my face. Often in the same day, one would heal & 2 or 3 more would emerge. Every. Single. Day. But because my skin is aging, using acne products formulated for greasy teenagers would strip & over-dry the skin, causing a rebound breakout, and irritating the drier parts of my face, like the temples & upper cheekbones. Everyone seems to agree that it's probably due to hormone shifts & a few food allergies, so even my dermatologist discouraged me from buying the Clarisonic. However, my mother-in-law (who still has acne in her 50s) has one, and swears by it. So I decided, based on all the positive reviews & generous return policy, to give it a shot. Right away I noticed that my face hadn't felt so clean in I don't know how long. Even using the gentler cleansers, my face was soft & smooth, but not oily! Perfectly clean! I've been wasting money on $40 cleanser I can only get online, that doesn't even seem that effective. I did an experiment buying the new ($6) L'Oreal 360 deep cleanser for sensitive skin from the grocery store (smells & feels a lot like the Clarisonic Hydrating cleanser). Even that does wonders for my skin, when I use it with the Clarisonic. Also, love that the machine is waterproof & I can take it in the shower with no worries. I've been using it on average twice a day, for about six weeks. I've noticed a dramatic improvement in my skin's texture, although my fine lines aren't going away, as other people raved. When I do have a pimple, it seems to heal faster & not become as infected. I also did an experiment after wearing liquid foundation. I washed my face as well as I could without the Clarisonic...Then I used the Clarisonic on the Low setting right after, with a little gentle cleanser, and I saw a *bunch* of makeup coming up from the brush: makeup that would've otherwise just clogged my pores. It was hard to convince myself to spend $200 on a face scrubber. But it really is cost-effective, considering it's cheaper than 2 spa facials with extractions. And the results are far better than after a facial, without the rebound breakout I usually get afterwards. Do yourself a favor & don't skimp on this essential tool! Finally, just had to say, I was a little intimidated by people's comments about the complicated timers & settings. If you read the directions fully before using (they're not long at all), it is explained in very clear terms. I usually have a bit of a learning curve with new devices, but this one was easy to use right away. Remember to charge it for 24 hours, immediately when you get it. Enjoy!
Jessica N. (Baltimore, MD USA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty)
I bought the Clarisonic Pro because I have extremely oily skin with some imperfections and dry patches. I was hoping that this product would remove more dirt and make up than my cleanser alone and help to even out the dry patches. I have used the Clarisonic once a day, everyday for the past 3 weeks. I've used it with the supplied sample cleansing gel for oily skin as well as my own foaming cleanser. Both are very effective at removing make up and excess oil without drying my skin out. The Clarisonic also helps to exfoliate my dry areas gently. It is gentle enough not to irritate any blemishes I get, which seem to be less than before I was using the Clarisonic. My dry patches have not cleared up completely but they do seem to have improved.
Diana Bennett (So Cal) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty) Clarisonic Pro Deluxe(white) turned out to be a product I enjoy using about 3 times a week. I, like many, thought I could get the same result with a wash cloth or face brush but you really can't. Think of it as a regular toothbrush vs an electric toothbrush - the electric always leaves your teeth smoother and cleaner. The Clarisonic leaves my face really clean because it lifts off the fine layer of dead skin I shed everyday. Afterwards my skin is very clear and smooth (that pinkish/polished look). It also helps my creams/treatments to work better because the skin layer is "new." Since it is Summer right now and the sun is full blast where I live, I do not use it more than 3 times a week. Sunscreen is a must because the freshly-scrubbed skin is extra vulnerable to sun damage. My skin is on the oily side with a tendency towards blemishes and the Clarisonic has caused no problems. Lastly, although it has performed no miracles, I can honestly tell you that, upon use, it smooths and softens the look of fine lines (by removing the dead skin that makes the wrinkle appear deeper). I was hesistant because of the price but am glad I finally bought it. Price paid: $159 +free ship
P. Farrell - See all my reviews
The Clarisonic Skin Care System is probably the best home apparatus for skin care - it left my skin smooth and tight (tight in a good way as I'm in my late 50's). The pink color is very girly - again in a good way. If you're going to get any skin product, this should be the highest on your list.
Elizabeth "bethika" (Santa Barbara, CA United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System (Health and Beauty) I don't have constant breakouts or bumps. I bought it because I got brainwashed into buying this by sitting in my dermatologists's waiting room for 40 minutes and watching the little Clarisonic ad play over and over on the tv. I say brainwashed because I watched the ad about 20 times and the first time thought it was silly but by the 15th time, I was convinced I wanted one but it was too expensive and by the 20th time, I was convinced it would be worth the cost. I really don't regret it and feel like I got in on a big secret since so few people know about this product or are convinced its worth it. I was getting married and wanted perfect skin on my big day. I also would only wash my face using my hands because a lot of the face brushes I had bought were too rough. I get tiny bumps on my forehead occasionally and I do have to say that this has completely made those disappear. I don't use it for the full 1 minute mainly because I somehow would always get soap in my mouth or eyes if I went for the full minute (and I'm lazy and impatient). I still have terrific results. I just leave it in my shower and charge it whenever it needs it. I have only had to charge it a few times - the battery life is great! I've dropped it a few times and it survived the fall with no damage. I've had it for about a year now and it still works like new. I don't push hard unless I have a rough patch of skin that I want to exfoliate. I'll admit that I haven't replaced my brush head once in the whole year even though they recommend replacing every 3-4 months (the brush heads are expensive - $25 each but you can get them cheaper if you buy the twin packs). I think this really is the equivalent to an electric toothbrush. If you have problem teeth, an electric toothbrush will help but its great even if you have normal teeth. Same for this, its great for problem skin but its a wonderful product even if you have normal skin. My skin has never felt cleaner, I know I'm exfoliating without seeing any redness on my skin or damaging it. I really recommend this product!
Gina - Amazon Verified Purchase (What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System (Health and Beauty)
I absolutely love this product! I am a 31 year old female with some sun damage and mild blemishes; I have used this product for over 6 weeks and no longer wear foundation! I only use a light powder now, due to the clearing up of my skin! I use it morning and night and it makes my skin so clean and smooth! I bought it at first at Sephora; it was almost $250 with tax!!! Amazon is definitely the most price competitive place to buy it, I would highly recommend!
This product will help heal your acne outbreaks. I will warn you in advance this is not an inexpensive product but it is certainly cheaper and healthier than doctor proscribed medications or over the counter creams.
People specifically teenagers are afflicted by acne along with other skin conditions. Even though acne impacts 90% teenagers this is higher average of world population {it is an issue that also affects many adults and pets. Acne breakouts are an issue that is felt by adults, despite the fact that teens typically suffer from this the most.
Many people believe that there is no help for their condition without expensive medications and treatments. Pricey medications are normally what individuals turn to in order to get rid of their pimples but there are more options and choices.
Prior to running off to the pharmacy to buy all those expensive creams, lotions, ointments or medications, you should know that you do have alternative choices. When you follow the simple basic steps below you may find that your acne outbreaks will minimize and maybe just disappear entirely.
In the following paragraphs we are going to cover several things that you can do to help minimize and reduce your acne and help to clear your skin. If you want to begin clearing up your acne and can't afford those expensive and costly medications or treatments you will find simple things that can help.
Now I realize that the majority of you are going to say "duh", nevertheless, you need to| wash your face at least twice a day. The very first thing you need to do is to thoroughly clean your face and neck each day and night.
Harmful bacteria gets on your face throughout the day so you need to keep your face; thoroughly clean. Everyday your face is filled with oil from your skin as well as dirt floating and suspended in the air along with other bacteria's and you need to clean these off.
Your face has to cope with bacteria, dirt and oil through out the day need to really need to wash your face regularly to keep it clean. It is actually much better if you can wash your face more than two times a day.
Naturally if you're able to you should be washing your face whenever possible throughout the day. If you have the opportunity you need to cleanse your face few times each and every day but twice a day will help.
Another thing that many individuals don't think about is their diet will also have an impact on acne breakout. One thing that men and women never take into consideration is that the foods you consume can also add your acne condition.
The meals you eat can also have a major effect on your skin. Make a conscious effort to avoid fried foods and along with other sweets as well as minimizing your bread intake.
A couple of things you should avoid is products that contain a lot of sugar like cakes, desserts, muffins as well as soda’s and also whenever possible try to eliminate bread from your diet.
Breads as well as certain foods that contain a lot of processed sugar like chocolate and donuts should be avoided whenever possible. Try |exchanging your sweets with assorted fruits and vegetables. Eating fresh fruit will help to curb your cravings for these other snack foods which are loaded with sugar.
Yet another thing you don't want to do pop your pimples. Do not squeeze| your pimples| as this is a bad habit. Popping your white heads or blackheads is just another thing to avoid doing.
Your zits are generally packed with bacteria, and when you pop them you can very easily spreading bacteria to other pores on your face or even| other parts of your body.
You may or may not realize that when you pop a blemish} all that bacteria is being released and can end up in more of the pores of your face causing larger breakout's.
The actual bacteria that is released whenever you pop a your pimple can end up being dispersed to other pores which in turn will end up supplying you with more acne breakout's than before.
Therefore stay clear of| the actual pimple popping while the urge will probably be there to pop it, you will need to control the pimple popping urge.
For the girls and women out there try to cut back on your cosmetics products. A large number of females suffer from acne and they should stop using cover ups along with other makeup when they can.
For women while makeup products can make you feel better you ought to definitely minimize} the makeup products if you have acne. Cleansing your face twice a day is important however. I don't| mean just when you take a shower.
Facial foundation has a tendency to clog your pores which means you will be trapping bacteria within your pores each and every time you put on your makeup you are blocking your pores and you are sealing in all sorts of bacteria and dirt in your new healing tissue.
There is Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System - I highly recommend Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System: Most effective treatments to eliminate acne and clear skin just CLICK PICTURE-GO TO PRODUCT NOW
A List mania! List by Johnny S
The list author says: "Best products for eliminating moderate to severe acne, getting rid of pimples, zits, blemishes, acne scars and irritated skin. With so many acne products available, it can become very confusing trying to sort out the good from the bad.
A common mistake is using several of acne treatments simultaneously in hopes to achieve even better results. This often leads to more irritated and dried out skin.
Many professionals agree that the most effective approach is to combine an oral acne treatment, such as Clearzine, with a facial cleanser or cleansing program like Proactiv, Acnefree or Clean & Clear.
Below is a list of some of the best products available to rid acne as well as some great books on the subject.
Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System

REVIEWS Out of the 111 reviews I picked at random some of the reviews.
43 of 45 people found the following review helpful:

This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty)
The benefits of this product can be seen immediately. You will experience softer, smoother skin after the first use and your face will really look and feel squeaky clean. My pimples don't last as long (sometimes disappear in less than 24 hours which never happened before), and my expensive skin care products are more effective. The real reason for the purchase was a bunch of blackheads on my chin and they are diminishing in quantity. Also they are more brown now than black which I could see after using a Biore strip. Hopefully they will eventually disappear. I recommend this product.By KYP (Lakewood, CO United States) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System (Health and Beauty)
Think of how much $ you've spent over the years on cleansers, scrubbers, etc...think about it, seriously think about it..b/c after using this product, it made me think of how much I've wasted and should have spent it on this product. WHY you ask...No matter how expensive/cheap/raved about cleanser I've used, nothing really cleaned my face. It would either dry it up, leave some type of a residue, or just irritated my skin. After years of trial and error, I gave up, and stuck to good ol fashion water and oil of olay. I'm blessed with good skin, but I still have my problem areas. I got this as a gift. VERY GLAD I did. I was skeptical. I was hesitant and kinda scoffed at the idea that a rotating brush could do much for me. I felt my skin before I used the product, pretty darn smooth. I tested it after I used the product - wow, it made my before skin feel like sand paper. I just knew that it cleaned out buildup of product (makeup, cleanser, lotion, whatever) because my skin actually GLOWED. I used the standard 2 minutes function on my t-zone. It really buffed away some spots that had raised bumps before. Pretty insane b/c I really didn't think I need this product. I could only imagine what it could do for people who have problematic skin. So all the products i've bought/used before couldn't even come close...made me feel like I did waste a lot of money. What else do iI like about the Pro vs. the Mia - the 4 speed rules - only because I want it. I end up using the standard speed a lot for me face. It also seems like the handle is a little bit bigger than the regular model. I don't think the Clarisonic cleaners that it comes with are all that fabulous. My skin feels a little bit drier than when I use some other stuff - I recommend you use your own cleansers (as long as it doesn't have exfoliants in it. If it does, then take the brush off the machine after each use to clean it out - or it will cause build up. I like that there are grooves under the brushes so water can flow out and not stay stagnant in the machine. The design of the handle is ergonomic and comfortable to use. I would suggest making it lighter - when you're using the body brush, it gets to be a little heavy after a few runs. I like the brush head that it comes with. Great for sensitive skin, great at all modes of the machine (I use the Pro mode for m t-zone and chin - my problem areas) - about once a week. I use it every other day on the normal speed. And alternate with the body brush. What I find most valuable - BODY BRUSH! This is what really hit me. I've tried different types of brushes and exfoliants, but my skin just wasn't baby soft. I've spent $ at spas doing a full body scrub. Yeh, my skin is silky smooth awesome, but it only lasts for a few days, then I feel a few dry spots here and there. Not anymore!!! Dry spots GONE. Skin Smooth. It's amazing. What I spent for 2 body scrubs = this machine. It makes me happy. PLUS this has cleared up dry spots that body scrubs have missed - the back of my thighs and upper arms. My skin is like butter now.
Click Picture -Go To Product Right Now
Kayla - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty)
This product is one of the best things I've ever bought for myself... It does exactly what it says: cleans your skin better than you ever thought you could, mildly exfoliates, and just makes your skin look fabulous. I can also tell it is softening my fine lines on my forehead (which are just starting). Once you use a clarisonic, you'll never go back to washing your face the regular way. I really like the Pro better than the one my friend bought awhile ago, b/c I changed it to a two minute timer b/c I have very oily skin, and I also like to be able to customize the speed (high after the gym, normal on a regular day). A FANTASTIC buy... a must for anyone who is looking for a boost to their facial skin. Plus, if you buy the spot attachment, you can use it on rough places like your upper chest, elbows, and knees (it has a special speed built in for body areas).
Lealbr (N. Texas) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty)
The benefits of this product can be seen immediately. You will experience softer, smoother skin after the first use and your face will really look and feel squeaky clean. My pimples don't last as long (sometimes disappear in less than 24 hours which never happened before), and my expensive skin care products are more effective. The real reason for the purchase was a bunch of blackheads on my chin and they are diminishing in quantity. Also they are more brown now than black which I could see after using a Biore strip. Hopefully they will eventually disappear. I recommend this product.
KateyKateyMcGrady (Southeast Michigan, USA) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System (Health and Beauty)
I received this as a gift from my sister who advised me to use it for deep makeup removal and said that it may even clear up my acne. I had tried Proactiv, but the benzoyl peroxide dried my skin out so much that my acne worsened (a common problem). I saw a dermatologist and was prescribed antibiotics to control the breakouts of cystic acne, which were deep and painful, but stopped after I started noticing that I wasn't breaking out anymore. I was not looking forward to having to start taking medication for this issue again, as other problems can result from taking antibiotics extensively, so I took my sister's advice and tried it. This was in March; three months later and I don't have a problem with acne anymore - it's unreal! I absolutely love my Clarisonic, and I am so glad my sister got it for me. A truly great gift, I am amazed every time I look in the mirror. Bottom line: definitely worth a try for acne, and it's worth every penny!
E. Talev "Little Lisa" (Austin, TX) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty)
I'm almost 35 now, and have suffered from relentless, itchy, painful, embarrassing acne breakouts since age 28. I always seem to have at least a few zits on my face. Often in the same day, one would heal & 2 or 3 more would emerge. Every. Single. Day. But because my skin is aging, using acne products formulated for greasy teenagers would strip & over-dry the skin, causing a rebound breakout, and irritating the drier parts of my face, like the temples & upper cheekbones. Everyone seems to agree that it's probably due to hormone shifts & a few food allergies, so even my dermatologist discouraged me from buying the Clarisonic. However, my mother-in-law (who still has acne in her 50s) has one, and swears by it. So I decided, based on all the positive reviews & generous return policy, to give it a shot. Right away I noticed that my face hadn't felt so clean in I don't know how long. Even using the gentler cleansers, my face was soft & smooth, but not oily! Perfectly clean! I've been wasting money on $40 cleanser I can only get online, that doesn't even seem that effective. I did an experiment buying the new ($6) L'Oreal 360 deep cleanser for sensitive skin from the grocery store (smells & feels a lot like the Clarisonic Hydrating cleanser). Even that does wonders for my skin, when I use it with the Clarisonic. Also, love that the machine is waterproof & I can take it in the shower with no worries. I've been using it on average twice a day, for about six weeks. I've noticed a dramatic improvement in my skin's texture, although my fine lines aren't going away, as other people raved. When I do have a pimple, it seems to heal faster & not become as infected. I also did an experiment after wearing liquid foundation. I washed my face as well as I could without the Clarisonic...Then I used the Clarisonic on the Low setting right after, with a little gentle cleanser, and I saw a *bunch* of makeup coming up from the brush: makeup that would've otherwise just clogged my pores. It was hard to convince myself to spend $200 on a face scrubber. But it really is cost-effective, considering it's cheaper than 2 spa facials with extractions. And the results are far better than after a facial, without the rebound breakout I usually get afterwards. Do yourself a favor & don't skimp on this essential tool! Finally, just had to say, I was a little intimidated by people's comments about the complicated timers & settings. If you read the directions fully before using (they're not long at all), it is explained in very clear terms. I usually have a bit of a learning curve with new devices, but this one was easy to use right away. Remember to charge it for 24 hours, immediately when you get it. Enjoy!
Jessica N. (Baltimore, MD USA) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty)
I bought the Clarisonic Pro because I have extremely oily skin with some imperfections and dry patches. I was hoping that this product would remove more dirt and make up than my cleanser alone and help to even out the dry patches. I have used the Clarisonic once a day, everyday for the past 3 weeks. I've used it with the supplied sample cleansing gel for oily skin as well as my own foaming cleanser. Both are very effective at removing make up and excess oil without drying my skin out. The Clarisonic also helps to exfoliate my dry areas gently. It is gentle enough not to irritate any blemishes I get, which seem to be less than before I was using the Clarisonic. My dry patches have not cleared up completely but they do seem to have improved.
Diana Bennett (So Cal) - See all my reviews
Amazon Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System, White (Health and Beauty) Clarisonic Pro Deluxe(white) turned out to be a product I enjoy using about 3 times a week. I, like many, thought I could get the same result with a wash cloth or face brush but you really can't. Think of it as a regular toothbrush vs an electric toothbrush - the electric always leaves your teeth smoother and cleaner. The Clarisonic leaves my face really clean because it lifts off the fine layer of dead skin I shed everyday. Afterwards my skin is very clear and smooth (that pinkish/polished look). It also helps my creams/treatments to work better because the skin layer is "new." Since it is Summer right now and the sun is full blast where I live, I do not use it more than 3 times a week. Sunscreen is a must because the freshly-scrubbed skin is extra vulnerable to sun damage. My skin is on the oily side with a tendency towards blemishes and the Clarisonic has caused no problems. Lastly, although it has performed no miracles, I can honestly tell you that, upon use, it smooths and softens the look of fine lines (by removing the dead skin that makes the wrinkle appear deeper). I was hesistant because of the price but am glad I finally bought it. Price paid: $159 +free ship
P. Farrell - See all my reviews
The Clarisonic Skin Care System is probably the best home apparatus for skin care - it left my skin smooth and tight (tight in a good way as I'm in my late 50's). The pink color is very girly - again in a good way. If you're going to get any skin product, this should be the highest on your list.
Elizabeth "bethika" (Santa Barbara, CA United States) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System (Health and Beauty) I don't have constant breakouts or bumps. I bought it because I got brainwashed into buying this by sitting in my dermatologists's waiting room for 40 minutes and watching the little Clarisonic ad play over and over on the tv. I say brainwashed because I watched the ad about 20 times and the first time thought it was silly but by the 15th time, I was convinced I wanted one but it was too expensive and by the 20th time, I was convinced it would be worth the cost. I really don't regret it and feel like I got in on a big secret since so few people know about this product or are convinced its worth it. I was getting married and wanted perfect skin on my big day. I also would only wash my face using my hands because a lot of the face brushes I had bought were too rough. I get tiny bumps on my forehead occasionally and I do have to say that this has completely made those disappear. I don't use it for the full 1 minute mainly because I somehow would always get soap in my mouth or eyes if I went for the full minute (and I'm lazy and impatient). I still have terrific results. I just leave it in my shower and charge it whenever it needs it. I have only had to charge it a few times - the battery life is great! I've dropped it a few times and it survived the fall with no damage. I've had it for about a year now and it still works like new. I don't push hard unless I have a rough patch of skin that I want to exfoliate. I'll admit that I haven't replaced my brush head once in the whole year even though they recommend replacing every 3-4 months (the brush heads are expensive - $25 each but you can get them cheaper if you buy the twin packs). I think this really is the equivalent to an electric toothbrush. If you have problem teeth, an electric toothbrush will help but its great even if you have normal teeth. Same for this, its great for problem skin but its a wonderful product even if you have normal skin. My skin has never felt cleaner, I know I'm exfoliating without seeing any redness on my skin or damaging it. I really recommend this product!
Gina - Amazon Verified Purchase (What's this?)
This review is from: Clarisonic Pro Deluxe Professional 4-Speed Skin Care System (Health and Beauty)
I absolutely love this product! I am a 31 year old female with some sun damage and mild blemishes; I have used this product for over 6 weeks and no longer wear foundation! I only use a light powder now, due to the clearing up of my skin! I use it morning and night and it makes my skin so clean and smooth! I bought it at first at Sephora; it was almost $250 with tax!!! Amazon is definitely the most price competitive place to buy it, I would highly recommend!
This product will help heal your acne outbreaks. I will warn you in advance this is not an inexpensive product but it is certainly cheaper and healthier than doctor proscribed medications or over the counter creams.
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